Chapter 2.0

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The New World

In 1926, the streets were busy in New York. The human world was peacefully trying to figure out their lives after The Great War and the recent strange events that have been occurring all over the city, not really caring for the strange events.

Most were worried about the campaign re-election for Senator.

But among them were wizards and witches investigating these bizarre occurrences that could put the Wizarding World in danger.

And a certain dark wizard on the loose and was causing mayhem. Every wizard and witch on the lookout to investigate anything that is out of the ordinary.

So it comes as a shock when every witch and wizard on alert misses a yellow glow in an alleyway.

James had let out a groan when he felt opened his eyes. He felt dizzy and had a splitting headache.

Ariana had felt the same side effects as well but kept her eyes closed trying to gather herself. James looked around to see himself in a dirty dark alleyway and got up frantically to try and figure out where they were.

He had noticed his sister getting up slowly and said,
"Ariana, be careful. You were attacked by the Stone," and she groaned out in pain when getting up on her feet, quickly following, "you probably don't feel good."

"Yeah, thanks for the obvious assumption," she said with a glare. She scanned him and said, "Are you okay?"

James nodded, feeling slightly less dizzy than before, and said, "Yeah, I'm just tired. I never used that much magic before."

She chuckled and said, "I'm glad one of us is okay. I'm hungry and I have a splitting headache," she was about to go and suggested getting back to school to see how everyone was but stopped when she noticed where they were. How did they end up in an alley?

"Where the hell are we?" She asked. She looked at her brother who just shrugged and she sighed.

She walked towards the light that was provided from the street and had stopped and gasped. The Dumbledore twins both notice the weird clothing, the old cars and buildings, and the busty streets.

They weren't in Virginia and sure as hell weren't in 2023. James then said, "I think the right question is 'When are we?'"

The twins both watch as people pass them. Some ignore them or give them dirty looks from the stage clothing they were wearing.

Ariana had a blue tank top on and threw her red jacket over it, with some grey sweat pants. James was wearing a pair of jeans and a regular black t-shirt.

Ariana step towards the busy street but was grabbed and pulled back by her brother,
"What are you doing?"

"Trying to figure out what the hell is going on?"

"Yes," James said mockingly, "let's just walk out in the busy street with no idea where we are. I'm sure that will go perfectly."

"I was heading to that NewsPaper stand," she said, nodding her head behind her to show James.

It was a mini NewsPaper Stand, nothing special. "I was going to get a paper to see where we are and to figure out the date."

James made an 'O' shaped, "Yeah," he said, letting go of her arm, "That's a good idea."

Ariana smiled and said, "Come on."

Both the twins walk out of the alleyway onto the street. They passed people who were walking down the streets fast.

Ariana grabbed James' hand to make sure they didn't lose each other in the fast pace crowd.

Ariana dragged James across the street, him almost tripping over himself, "God, women slow down."

The Origins of Ariana Dumbledoreजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें