Chapter 5

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| | | So We Meet Again | | |

"Sometimes, we believe in life that life has to move on... we reminisce about the past, but realize that good things never last but somehow in some way we silently wish to hold on to the one we once had."

- Reymon Iglesia




Screams, screams everywhere. Filling your ears. Screams, help. Someone, help. HELP, PLEASE HELP.

Y/n shot awake with a gasp, panting heavily. No matter how many of these nightmares she had, her reactions were all the same. She slammed her fists into her head and buried her face between her knees. Y/n couldn't even cry at the nightly torment. It's been a while since she cried, almost as if she had forgotten how to. When she wanted to let it all out, tears would only burn her eyes but none would fall. After calming down she breathed a deep breath in and let it out. Sliding out of bed she got dressed and made her way downstairs. Y/n had finished school and spent most of her time working at the shop and practicing violin. Even though most of this got her nowhere, since little progress showed in her violin skill, she still continued not knowing what she would do without even a small sense of routine. It was rather early, five in the morning, the sun just making its way up over the horizon. The cafe opened at 7, so her mother wouldn't be until about ten minutes before that. Y/n chuckled to herself honestly admiring the change her mother had.

She used to be a bit uptight, which made sense considering how wild her children were. And since the fact that her husband, their father, had left, she focused on setting a better example for them. Now that one of her children had passed away, and the other was already nearing adulthood, Y/n's mother sort of let loose and decided to enjoy life with her daughter and also enjoy life for herself. She joined a book club, taught a painting class, and let go of a strict schedule and routine.

SInce Y/n had more time to help out at the cafe, it took a weight off her mother's shoulders and allowed her to spend more time doing things she liked rather than focusing on making enough to pay rent.

Y/n poured herself a cup of coffee and grabbed an old pastry for breakfast. She steadied her tired eyes at the window and thought of her nightmare, what an awful start to another awful day. The dream covered the beginning of what seemed like an eternal panic. Y/n rested her chin on the table and closed her eyes, thoughts replaying the events of the horrid night that changed her life.

Although at this point Y/n couldn't even recall what happened, her mind made everything a blur. It was past midnight. She remembered her frantic steps downstairs, her body and mind freezing at the sight of her brother on the floor, her mom leaning over and shaking his shoulders while screaming his name. Charles, Charles, Charles. Y/n didn't cry, she didn't feel a drop of emotion. Her mind couldn't process the scene in front of her. Her breath caught in her throat, the world slowing and blurring around her, her head began to pulse. What snapped her out of this state was her mother's cry. "Y/n!" She had yelled, "Y/n get help, doctor, go, now!" Y/n's eyes tore away from the body on the floor, the body that started to turn blue. She had never seen a blue like that. The blue of what was once glowing skin drying at the hands of death. 

Y/n ran down the village, her hands banging against the house of her town's doctor. It seemed like forever, her thoughts rushing faster than time. The doctor in his nightgown opened the door shocked at the sight of a panicked, panting girl. Y/n barely managed to form a sentence. She explained the situation, telling him about her brother on the floor, unconscious, how he was turning blue. The run back to her house was even more painful. She saw the small crowd of people starting to gather around her home. Of course, they heard the screaming, who wouldn't? The doctor entered first and began yelling directions to bystanders and sat near Charles, unpacking his medical bag. Y/n pushed past the people and fell to the ground. Her mother was performing CPR on her brother, crying and heaving at each chest compression. The doctor was pulling out tools trying to make her stop, but she wouldn't. Y/n grabbed her mother's back and yelled, Stop!!! Her mother pulled out of her grasp and turned silent, eyes focused on the body. Y/n heard her mother muttering silent prayers. Mind racing, Y/n's eyes frantically trying to unfocus from Charles'. 

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