Chapter 1

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| | | A New Friend | | |

"We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason." - Devon Creative


You booked it down the village path heavily panting as your violin case beat against your back, the sheet music creasing at your tight grip.

"I'm screwed, so fricking screwed, someone, dig my grave please, please, please." Your violin teacher, Mr. Hansson was strict, and after many late arrivals to your weekly scheduled lessons, he created a punishment: for every minute you're gone is one Etude added to your repertoire. Etudes sucked since your technique was evidently lacking. You breathlessly muttered slight profanities while running uncomfortably. As you took a quick turn around the corner you collided with something, hearing a rough grunt after your encounter you confirmed that it was actually a someone.

You fell backward, cringing at the sound of your violin case hitting the ground. You contemplated just laying on the ground, gradually getting buried by blowing dust and gravel, regretting napping for so long before, and consequently oversleeping and running, so far, 3 minutes late. Not only were you late to your lesson, but your violin took a bad hit from the fall, and your music was sprawled all over the road. You looked up at who you crashed into, getting ready to apologize as they sat up muttering slight curses from the pain you spout a rush of an apology,

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!!! I should have looked where I was going, I was running and I didn't see you- I'm so sorry, please forgive me.. are you okay??"

The boy looked at you and started to smile ever so slightly, your cheeks grew pink realizing what a mess you probably looked like. His eyes met yours and you swear you weren't exaggerating, but they were the most captivating blue color, a shade similar to the gemstone beryl you read about in one of your brothers' books. As you stared into his eyes the world around you slowed your gaze solely fixed onto those piercing blue orbs. You broke out of your trance at the sound of paper being picked up and an appealing voice that rang in your ears,

"Hey, it's completely fine. You took a harder fall than I did, " he said, gathering your music, frowning at the slight tears on some. You quickly started to pick up the mess as well,

"No, no, no, it's my fault, you don't need to apologize." You softly say with a nervous chuckle. Thankfully this isn't a busy street so most people just carried on, avoiding stepping on your already ruined sheets.

After all the music was collected in your hands you stood and helped him up. His leather and worn gloves accepted yours and he gave a quick thank you as he brushes the dirt off his backside. You noticed that he was about two inches shorter than you, his hair messy, compensating for the lack of height. The boy asked,

"Are you okay, did you get injured at all," he passed scanning your arms for any potential wounds. "Where- umm, Where are you even going in such a rush?"

You gasped. All of a sudden you remembered why you were running, why you bumped into this stranger, and why there was absolutely no time to stop. With that you picked up your violin and started awkwardly running, not even looking back you yelled out,


He watched as you ran off, absolutely bewildered by the strange encounter. He shrugged and yelled back,


He laughed to himself as your figure disappeared around another corner. After yelling he noticed the judgemental stares directed at him, his face went red from embarrassment and Varian briskly made his way to wherever he needed to be.

I Won't Forget Those Blue Eyesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن