Chapter 8

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| | |  Time With a Friend | | |

"I couldn't be with people and I didn't want to be alone. Suddenly my 

perspective whooshed and I was far out in space, watching the world. 

I could see millions and millions of people, all slotted into their lives; 

then I could see me—I'd lost my place in the universe. It had closed 

up and there was nowhere for me to be. I was more lost than I

 had known it was possible for any human being to be." 

― Marian Keyes


| | | Y/n | | |

"Without telling me?! It's been three whole days and you haven't TOLD MEEE?" It's too early for this. I think to myself as I'm being aggressively shaken back and forth by the deranged redhead in front of me.
"Abby, Abby, Abbyyyyy. I would have if I could have, but I couldn't." It was currently six a.m. in Caffia Du and before the shop opened Abby paid a surprise visit. She said she'd be spending a lot of time with me today since she'd be leaving for northern Germany tomorrow. Everybody is traveling recently. Mr. Hannson, the strange neighbors across the street, Tabetha with the sweet tooth... Before my train of thought could continue Abby pushed herself away and crossed her arms dramatically looking away and letting out a big ole' hmph. I huff and close my eyes, too tired...

"Abby, c'mon. I'll tell you all about it. I was busy with work and y'know that... guy." She didn't budge.
"Well, I did need a taste tester for this cake that I've been planning to bake, guess I'll just ask my mom." I sang in a teasing manner. She twitched and began muttering under her breath. I softly smiled at how cute she was when she played being angry... or maybe she was genuinely angry. To this day I still never knew, her rage has always been childlike and a tad bit petty. She sat herself across from me and slammed her hand down on the counter. Locking eyes with mine she glared,
"Spill. All of it. Every. Single. Detail. Also one chocolate latte please." I nodded my head and began preparing her drink while also explaining everything that happened, just leaving out some of the parts that would worry her.

-time skip brought by Ruddiger's bushy tail-

"-and now we're meeting up this Friday, to talk and such." The now calm redhead sipped her drink and pondered for a bit.
"Wow. It's all really sudden but I know the talking will be good. You don't have to befriend him, but it would be good to get some closure or at least direct communication. I don't know. Go for it Y/n, but you will tell me everything once I get back!" I chuckled lightly and patted her head.
"Of course, of course." I leaned back against the counter, "Do you have anything specific you'd like to do today?" She smiled and hummed.
"No idea! Let's head to the market after your shift and then we can head to my place. No one should be home." I nodded my head showing her I was okay with the plans. I checked the time, 6:50. I chugged my own coffee down.
"Alright Abby, I'm going to open. If you want you can stay here or just stay upstairs?" Abby glanced at the time as well. She jumped out of her seat and exclaimed,
"I'll help you with work. I can do the cleaning and delivering if you'd like." I argued,
"You don't have t-"
"Abby, I can d-"
"I will-"
"Y/n I insist. I want to spend time with you." I heavily exhaled and pinched the bridge of my nose.
"Okay, okay fine!" I walked over and switched the sign near the door to open. I cracked the door open feeling a small breeze sneak through the crack. I decided to prop the door open letting the crisp morning air fill the shop. Fall is coming. I turned back to the counter. Abby had an apron tied around her waist and was currently struggling to tie her unruly long hair up. I lightly smirked and walked over, I pulled the ribbon out of her attempted bun and positioned myself behind her. I did have to ask her to crouch down a bit considering she was taller than me. I did my best tying her hair up into a neat-ish bun, a few stray hairs framed her face nicely. She giggled,
"Thanks, N/n." I hummed in response. We were interrupted by the shuffling of steps as our first customer of the morning entered.
"Good morning! Welcome to Caffia Du. Order whenever you're ready!" I gave them the sweetest smile I could muster. Let the morning begin.

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