Chapter 2

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| | | Those Dots on Your Pretty Little Face | | |

"Don't be afraid of new beginnings. Don't shy away from new people, new energy, new surroundings. Embrace new chances at happiness." – Billy Chapata


Y/n woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, she hadn't gotten that good of a night sleeping in a long time. The sun peeked through her window warming her face, she smiled letting the rays of light tickle her cheeks. She lazily looked to her left and saw her brother sprawled over his bed tangled in covers softly snoring. He always came home from work late, because he constantly would sleep in, because he also would constantly stay up late; it was a constant unhealthy cycle. He worked as an assistant photographer, mostly helping with delivering pictures and organizing the office supplies. Due to his poor sleep schedule, he spent the day assisting the lead photographer and delivered packages in the evening. He loved photography, capturing moments, beauty, emotions, and even potential bad scenes in a simple picture. He would always borrow supplies from work to take wonderful pictures, hanging them throughout the house and sometimes even down in the coffee house. However, recently the bringing of pictures had dwindled down, he seemed more tired at breakfast and would come home even later. You figured it was a late puberty thing and left it at that, sometimes scolding him for sleeping in until noon.

You got up, did your small morning routine, got dressed, and left your house. The familiar redhead was already waiting by your front door.

"Good morning N/n!" Abby sang to greet you. You gave her a huge smile and a quick little hug greeting her as well,

"Good morning! How was are you?" Abby looked at you with a weird face, just as you were about to ask her what was wrong she blurted,

"You're too happy today what happened?" You blushed,

"What- what do you mean?! It was a regular morn-" You stopped mid-sentence remembering the boy from yesterday, what was his name. You stuttered,

"Uh- well, I- I guess I made a friend yesterday?" Abby started laughing,

"Oh my gosh, why do you look so panicked, calm down!" She grabbed your shoulders, "That's great though! Who was it?" You averted her gaze, a blush creeping over your cheeks,

"Aha.. umm this guyyy from Old Corona, he's an alchemist and visited the shop yesterday." Abby scrutinized your reaction, dropped her head, and sighed, then proceeding to violently shake your shoulders while exclaiming in a hushed tone,

"YOU FORGOT THEIR NAME DIDN'T YOU!?" You gave her an awkward smile while laughing,

"Yes! You know how bad I am at memorizing names." Abby gave out another dramatic sigh letting you go, she crossed her arms and shook her head, her beautiful long red waves bouncing in the sun's light.

"You can memorize a three-movement sonata but not a simple name. N/n go get your memory checked." You scoffed in response,

"No, no, no, it started with V, umm," You thought hard, "Ver- Var? OH! Varian!" You stuck your chin up proud earning an eye roll from your friend. She grabbed your hand and started to pull you along, you couldn't help but blush at the contact. You moved a little faster to stand beside her, not letting go of her hand. You both would walk together every morning to the library where you studied. Since you two didn't attend regular school you were enrolled in an advanced type of home school program. Because of this different way of learning you would finish all your basic studies in less than a year, afterward picking a career of interest where you'd differ in education and training. Abby was your best friend, you both lived on the same village path and befriended each other through a competitive game of jump rope. She was the person you trusted the most and loved so dearly. Abby was about a month older than you, she had gorgeously long red hair, the most captivating amber eyes - and if you looked closely there were specs of gold hidden in her iris'. You both told each other everything, and almost did everything together, including musical performances! She was an experienced piano player which made finding an accompanist easy. Since you two knew each other well there wasn't a struggle in matching each other's musical patterns. She would make your violin playing shine so much brighter. Abby was the light in your life and you looked forward to spending time with her during the day.
Your study sessions lasted until noon, from there on you would part ways and head off to music lessons. 

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