Chapter 4

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| | |  A Familiar Encounter | | |

"I wish I could give you my pain just for one moment. Not to hurt you but rather so you can finally understand how much you hurt me." - Unknown


Y/n finished drying the last cup and stared out the window. The coffee shop her mother owned, that she worked at, was now closed and left quiet as she prepared for the next day.

You let out a sigh, you had just turned 17 two months ago and were already panicking about adulthood and the future You pulled out the broom from a small storage closet and began sweeping the old maple wood floors. Y/n's thoughts began to spur, reflecting on how up and down the kingdom of Corona was. It seemed that there were problems being thrown at it for years, however, somehow everything had switched to a calmer state. The former lost princess Rapunzel was now crowned queen and she seemed to be pretty good at ruling, and you could recall some few promotions that you read about in the newspaper. Though there was one name you couldn't help but be attracted to as you would skim the headlines. Other than that you didn't know much about what was going on since you tended to stay away from nation news and events, it only stressed you out more. You crouched down and swept the dirt into the dustpan and swiftly tossed it in the trash. After organizing the insides of the restraint you grabbed your jacket and rushed outside, locking the door behind you. You set out towards the forest beyond the kingdom. You had befriended one of the guards assigned to review who comes in and out, so leaving at dark and heading into the forest was easy. Obviously, you took precautions and carried a knife with you with some small weapons for your own safety. Night walks like these weren't a problem, your mother had joined a book club that was scheduled three times a week, she would usually come home an hour before midnight, leaving you 5 hours of running the shop and alone time.

These nightly walks were the usual for Y/n. At night not many people were around, she felt at peace, and lived for the starry night sky and chill in the evening air. She walked around the forest keeping note of where the kingdom was. She softly hummed to herself the current violin piece she had to work on. Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto op. 35 mvm II. She continuously wandered throughout the night lost in thought, unaware of any presence near her. She turned along the path and was greeted by something being run into her, after hearing a high-pitched scream she realized it was in fact actually a someone. Y/n felt a slight sense of deja vu as she stared into these blue eyes. At the sight her mind drifted into a memory, she remembered the specific set of pastels she hunted down, spending weeks and pages upon pages trying to accurately imitate this rare beautiful color. The messy hair, those leather gloves, and the scattered freckles among a perky nose, Varian. It couldn't be. You blinked your eyes, even squinted them. As much as you wanted to deny it, it was indeed your old friend's equally surprised face revealed under the moonlight. You gave out a small huff in slight annoyance realizing this was the guy you had to bump into. However those annoying feelings quickly disappeared as you realized how close this dude's face was to yours, he just had to fall on top of you. For a split second, your breath hitched a blush making its way on your cheeks. Varian spoke first, awkwardly trying to get up without making any more contact with you.

"I-I- I'm so so sorry. I was- I was in a hurry- it's late and I have things to do- umm and oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I should have watched where I was going. I mean who runs in a pitch-black forest without looking where's he's going. My gosh, I'm such an idiot. I'm so so sorry" He hid his face in embarrassment, you started to pick up the few blueprints and satchel that he had dropped,

"Not a big deal, people typically aren't outside during this time, especially in a forest." You handed him his belongings and turned your shock into a plain stare, "It's all good, no need to apologize... Varian." You couldn't help but put a slight amount of distaste in your tone as you spoke out his name. He looked up at you surprised,

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