Character Introductions and Author's Note

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Hello, hello, everyone, I wanna say thank you for reading I Won't Forget Those Blue Eyes, this is my first official fanfiction and honestly, it's a little confusing trying to write out characters that each have their own developments and different personalities and trying to keep a plot that makes sense. *heavy sigh* Please bear with me. Also, I am sick so no chapter for a while, my brain is all much and I have a bunch of mandatory work training coming up T^T. But don't worry, I shall still give some content, I leave you some character descriptions, so enjoyyy.  

Art Credit to  Maggie.M.Mae. - you can find her on instagram


a p p e a r a n c e

hair/eyes/physical appearance - based on whoever the reader is

height - 5" 1" (154.8 cm) at 13 and then 5' 2" (157.5 cm) at 17 (a little under Varian's height)

age - 13 at the start, later 17

p e r s o n a l i t y

Y/n is a very hardworking individual, learning to be both independent in her work ethic and habits, but also mentally all due to childhood events/trauma. She was a very expressive individual, proving emotional as she poured all her feelings into violin and her art. She loved to smile and absolutely adored making people laugh and feel happy. She was fairly nice and her morals were so/so. However, after her brother's intentional death, her view on life and experience of happiness fell. Though she still had her eccentric moments, she didn't smile as much, and numbed life by busying herself with violin gigs, cafe work, more art instead of violin practice, and going for long walks outside the kingdom, often screaming out into an empty field where no one could see or hear her.

She had one childhood friend, Abby. A beautiful redhead with a soft collection of freckles planted on her face and these gorgeous amber eyes that had hints of gold specks around the ring. (This is how Y/n wrote about her in her journal when they had both first met.) They got along well, and Y/n had maybe developed some slight feelings for her friend, but all those were numbed after the incident with her brother. Abby noticed Y/n's shift in personality but still made sure Y/n took care of herself and spent time with her. Y/n reciprocated the effort but her old self didn't return. Now she continues playing off that she's all good but intends to hide her true feelings and emotions for as long as she can... no, for forever.

e x t r a

Her room was full of plants and collections of art plastered all over the walls, but now it only consists of her older violins with an organized shelf of sheet music and academic books. The cafe building was old and the floorboards often creaked. Her current violin was one she rented from her teacher; because the violin that her brother got her was broken during the attack led by Varian.

c u r r e n t    c o n c e r n

She seems to keep on buying books about birds.


a p p e a r a n c e

hair - black messy hair with a bright blue streak on his bangs

eyes - cyan/light blue

physical appearance - he has fair skin with freckles scattered across his face, two front buck teeth, a thin boy

height - 5' 0" (152.4 cm) at age 13 and then 5' 3" (160 cm) at 17

age - 13 at the start (7 months away from 14, where the official series plot starts) and later on 17, around a year after the series ends

p e r s o n a l i t y

Varian is an intelligent scientist, inventor, and alchemist. He does not believe in magic and tends to solve problems through scientific means. He has good intentions and wanted to make his father proud of him for his creations. Varian is shown to be very kind, supportive, and understanding. Varian also proves himself to be capable of being ruthless in achieving his goals, manipulating and attacking people if necessary. It should, however, be noted that Varian had spent months in complete isolation prior to committing crimes against Corona, which very likely had a deteriorating effect on his mental health. Varian showed deep remorse and shame for his past deeds and believed that he could never be forgiven. Varian's greatest fear is his father being encased in amber again and the people of Corona declaring him a traitor and telling him he deserves to be unable to free Quirin for his past crimes. He also considers himself ordinary in comparison to Rapunzel. As he matures, Varian takes on a more responsible approach in regards to his inventions, telling others not to touch them and scolding anyone for ignoring his warnings and causing the explosions or mistakes.

e x t r a

A pretty boy. He knows Y/n but just viewed her as a great friend when they were 13. Ever since he first heard Y/n play he's admired her music. At 16 he noticed the change in her violin performances, he wants to get to know her and befriend her again (at 17).

Varian's been through a lot himself, matured quite a bit, and grown in his knowledge. At 17 he is the royal engineer of Corona and has a good group of friends. He appreciates every one of them and is frequently in the kingdom of Corona due to his busy working schedule. At times he will return home and spend the night or day there, but he has quarters in the castle near his personal lab.

c u r r e n t    c o n c e r n

He keeps on buying white button-downs even though they dirtier the fastest, he just doesn't think dark colors suit him.


a p p e a r a n c e

Known to be the prettiest girl in town. Her bright red hair turned into a captivating auburn as she grew older, though her golden amber eyes stayed the same. She has fair-colored skin and a slim figure, her face still dusted with light freckles. She's taller than both Y/n and Varian.

p e r s o n a l i t y

Though Abby is a very sweet and gentle person, if you truly get to know her she has a very serious and intense side, this intensity sometimes expressed physically. (Y/n's suffered countless "playful" punches in the side and slaps across her head.) All in all, Abby has a very down-to-earth character, is extremely friendly, and always takes action in consideration of others.

e x t r a

Abby is also a skilled pianist, what makes her music shine the most is how brilliant her technique is, she finds ways to master challenging pieces and never slips up during a performance.

c u r r e n t    c o n c e r n

Her parents keep pestering her about getting into a relationship.

Y/n's mother - Iris

Y/n is almost an exact copy of her mother, the one difference is her mother has a beauty mark near her left eye. Iris was a wild child, very adventurous and artistic, and still carries on each of these attributes. She studied at an academy in France and became a painter, but after getting married and having children she decided to live quietly among a small village in Corona. However, she still takes her time to paint on the side, sometimes selling her works.

c u r r e n t    c o n c e r n

She's trying to mend the distance between her and Y/n, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Mr. Hansson - Claude Hannson

A very tall man with striking white air and blue eyes. He carries himself with confidence and seems smug, but truly he is a very caring individual.

c u r r e n t    c o n c e r n: He's been receiving a lot of leftover pastries from Y/n's mom recently, and he doesn't like sweets.

Other Characters:

Y/n's older brother - Charles

Y/n's father - Currently Unknown

Varian's father - Quirin

Sources - ( - used for characters and some character descriptions)

- I'm sick of drinking tea

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