Kladora!!!! 😍😍😍

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So.... I wrote another Kladora story because I'm totally obsessed with them, and I just had to share it with y'all. Okay, enjoy! 😊

Isadora's POV:

"I hear them!" Duncan said excitedly. I listened closely and could hear the faint voices of the Baudelaires as they stood outside of the fountain we were trapped in.

"I hear them too!" I said with a smile, then me and Duncan started banging on the metal walls and screaming for our friends. A few moments later, we heard Violet shriek and then a loud thump! as she fell to the ground.

"Violet!" Duncan called, pausing his racket to press his ear against the body of the bird that we were caged inside.

"Klaus!" I called, pausing to listen as well. I heard the sound of the rushing water that spat out of the metal bird's beak, then heard Klaus calling for his baby sister.

Sunny shrieked something, and she sounded incredibly close. Duncan stood on his toes and peeked out the small crack in the beak.

"Sunny!" he cried.

"Is she okay?" I asked.

"She's hanging onto the beak," he said, then gasped. "She's falling! The metal is too slippery!"

Sunny babbled something else in frustration, then we heard a small click! and the beak of the bird opened up. Crying in relief, Duncan and I grabbed the new hand holds that the open beak provided and climbed out of the awful fountain.

"Quagmires!" Sunny shrieked happily, crawling towards us. Violet and Klaus just stared at us for a minute, seeming a bit shocked. They looked the way I imagine my brother and I must have looked when they found us at the bottom of the elevator shaft at 667 Dark Avenue.

"I-Isadora," Klaus finally stammered, a smile crawling up his lips as he gazed at me. I never thought I'd be able to look into his heart warming brown eyes again, and it brought more tears to my own eyes as we rushed to each other. He held me close, not bothered by how soaked I was from the fountain.

"I missed you so much, Klaus," I managed to choke out through my sobs. He laughed and hugged me tighter.

"I missed you more, Isa," he replied quietly. The nickname brought butterflies to my stomach and I laughed with him, pulling away to wipe my tears.

"I knew you'd find us," I said with a smile, as he wrapped his warm hands around my cold, shivering ones.

"You're the genius behind it all," he said softly, "and your poetry was divine as always."

I blushed at the compliment and he smiled back, brushing some of my wet, dark hair behind my ear. Duncan noticed how close I was to Klaus and then pulled me a few steps back from him.

"I appreciate you for finding us," he said to Klaus, "but don't touch my sister."

"Duncan!" I shrieked in despair, but huffed in annoyance and slumped my shoulders when he didn't let go of me.

Violet rolled her eyes and walked over to Duncan, then whispered something in his ear that made his eyes grow wide in excitement. "Never mind," he said quickly, shoving me back towards Klaus. "Do whatever you want."

Violet smiled and dragged him out of sight. Duncan eagerly followed behind like a love struck puppy.

"Sorry, my brother is weird," I said to Klaus with a nervous laugh.

"Same," Sunny babbled, sitting on the ground and chewing on a rock.

"Hey!" Klaus said offendedly. Sunny smiled and giggled, then hugged his leg.

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