Middle names?

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Hello everyone! This is really weird and random, but I was curious, what do you guys think the middle names of the Quagmires and Baudelaires are?

I'll show you guys what I think, and then you comment what you think.

So, idk why I think this stuff, but I do. I don't really have any reason that these middle names could really be their middle names other than the fact that they just sound nice lol.

Here's my guesses:

Isadora Elizabeth Quagmire

(I don't have any guesses for Quigley.)

Maybe Duncan Ryan Quagmire? I'm still on the fence on that one.

Either Klaus Ethan Baudelaire or Klaus Alexander Baudelaire (I'm leaning towards Alexander)

Violet Arabella Baudelaire (don't ask why bc I don't know 😂)

Sunny Clementine Baudelaire (I just think this one is cute lol) 

So, yeah. I think that's it. Do you guys agree with the middle names that I think they have or do you think that they're something else? Lmk in the comments!

Bye! Love y'all! 😘

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