The Austere Academy

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i know i said i was done, but i'm back now

idk if i'll do more after this, but i need to talk about dunclet and kladora rn lol

ok, so, i was re-reading The Austere Academy today for the first time in years, and i realized there was a lot more cute dunclet and kladora moments than i had thought.

for example, here's a part from the book- "Duncan kept his hand on Violet's and talked to her about terrible concerts he had attended back when the Quagmire parents were alive, and she was happy to hear his stories."

see that? Duncan held her hand and she was just like, Ummm, YES!

he does that a lot, he holds her hand and she just lets  him do it.

ALSO..... did anyone else notice how Klaus and Isadora are always paired up and Duncan and Violet are always paired up?

like here: (same example as last time but extended) "Duncan kept his hand on Violet's and talked to her about terrible concerts he had attended back when the Quagmire parents were alive, and she was happy to hear his stories. Isadora began working on a poem about libraries and showed Klaus what she had written in her notebook, and Klaus was happy to offer suggestions."

SEE?????? Adorable!

here's another Dunclet moment, straight from Lemony Snicket's The Austere Academy:

" Nero said. "You brats have some very silly ideas. Next you'll be saying that Count Olaf has disguised himself as your boyfriend, what's-his- name, the triplet."

Violet blushed. "Duncan Quagmire is not my boyfriend," she said, "and he's not Count Olaf, either." "

Violet blushed 😏😏😏😏😏



here's a dunclet AND kladora moment:

"Oh, don't worry about that," Isadora said when the children slid glumly into seats beside the Quagmires. "Here, Klaus and I will take turns with my silverware, and you can share with Duncan, Violet. Tell us how everything went in Nero's office."

see how izzie paired them up like that? she obviously ships dunclet and likes klaus.

YESSS!!!!!! ack, i ship them so FREAKING HARD OMGGGGGGG 😍😍😍😍😍😍

ok, yeah, just needed to talk about that. now i think i'm really done. byeeeeee!

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