Chapter 17 - The Mall

Depuis le début

Anthony's thoughts: "I am starting to doubt that he is an adult on the inside... He doesn't seem like an adult at all... I wonder what's going on in his head."

Nora: "Okay" *turns to the Old Woman* "Alright, follow me maam I will lead you to the bathroom" *starts walking towards the bathroom*


[ Note: William is not a pervert, he is just curious and just wants to go in. He has a body of a 3-year-old that affects his sexual development too, including reduced hormones, thus, he has near non-existent sex drive. ]


Imma say it quickly, thanks, vote, comment, follow, thanks, cya 🙃

Oh! I see that you decided to read more... well... hmm... uhh... I have found 2 games where you can play as a kid avatar, don't expect much from them, one is called 'Play together', it's new and quickly growing, it has a pretty nice community and other is an old app called 'IMVU' you will have to create your avatar bit by bit in IMVU it's kinda annoying... but yea, also, it's better on PC, it's not that heavy of an app, it's community is... uhh... *awkward smile* I will let you see it on your own.

You are still here? 👀 Well... Here's a what is going to happen next chapter, Nora will threatened with a weapon by someone. That's all I will say...
Wasn't that enough? *sigh* Don't you have anything else to do? Alright, I will tell you something... umm, well... according to MBTI personality test I am an INFP and go drink water, it's important af. Anyways, Please don't die, Oh, you aren't killing yourself? LIAR, just look at yourself, do you seriously think you are both physically and mentally healthy? I love you, please try live as long as you possibly f**king can. I probably don't know you, but, I still value your life, thanks for reading this far, not like it matters... but, humans are irrational, so yea. 

Thanks for existing... just, please exist longer. Why? Well... there's so many ways I can answer that question... j- jus- just do it for me okay, PLEASEEE! 😖

*sigh* There's so much I can talk about but... umm... Imma say it later someday.



YAY! REMEMBERED!  \(=^_^=)/

Thanks for reading so far, I want you to value your time a lot more and use it more wisely.

- Unsubscribe from all the YT channels that don't really make you a better person.
- Turn off notifications for apps (it will also save your phone's battery).
- Try learning a new language or perhaps sign language.
- Just drink more water, can't stress enough how important it is.
- Figure out what you REALLY want from life, like if you want to be rich what will you do once you are rich? and after achieving that? and after that? Keep asking until you can't answer any further or your answer becomes something like "just enjoy" or "just live" or something similar.
- Exercise, it's overrated for a good reason. If it's too hard, do yoga, all you need to do is be consistent.
- Eat better foods, include more leafy greens like spinach into your diet, eat less and don't eat too often, try intermittent fasting, it will also save you money and time.  
- Realize it's okay to be sad at times, but, it's not okay to dwell on it. Especially if the reason for that sadness is something you can't change/control.
- Have Depression? or maybe Anxiety? or maybe some other difficulties in your life? Try your best to seek out a consultant psychiatrist and just talk about what you want and why you aren't able to do it. You might just turn out to have a mental problem, you never know.
- The saying that "you are what you eat" is quite true, but, you might just have a eating disorder. Not only does body affect the mind, but, the mind also affects the body. And mind is more important, because, you are, quite literally, your brain.

"Everything psychological is simultaneously biological"
-David G. Myers in one of his books

"Hello Brains! I say that to you, because, if you think about it, it wasn't really you that decided to come here today. It was your brain. And weather you decided to walk, or drive, take a taxi, or ride a bike, that decision was made by your brain. Behavior, all behavior, is affected by the brain." 
-Jessica McCabe at a TEDx Talk

- Understand who you are, you should be able to write an entire page describing yourself, if not more.
- Question everything including your own beliefs, Question Why? Question What if? Question How? and then find the answers to those questions and then even question those answers.
- Try to develop better empathy
- Dress not just to impress, but also to express. Try to integrate your personality and who you wish to be with your looks.
- Never stop learning, compare yourself to the person you were the previous day, if you know just a single thing more than him/her, you are getting better.
- Learn how to make friends and maintain healthier relationships
- Develop active listening skills
- Don't focus on just improving your brain endlessly, focus on managing your emotions and solving problems of life and actualizing your dreams. Use the resources you have, don't pressurize your brain for things your calculator, smart phone or a pen and a paper can do.

"Albert Einstein was once asked: "What is the speed of sound?" Without batting an eye he answered cheerfully: "I don't know. I don't burden my memory with such facts that I can easily find in any textbook.""

All four of the extraneural resources, i.e., technology, the body, physical space, social interaction - can be understood as mental extensions that allow the brain to accomplish far more than it could on its own.

- Have growth mindset, believe that you can always improve and that there is always room for improvement. As far as we know, brains are very malleable, if you think you were born dumb, you can make yourself smart.
- Understand the philosophy of Stoicism
(watch this to get a decent overview of stoicism:

"It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters"

"Pain is a part of life... misery is an option"
-Annette Funicello

"True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not."

- Realize how limited your life is, and make the best of it, don't just focus on fun also focus on achieving your goals. Live the life you want to live, not the one that's expected of you. Don't settle for less than what you want.

"Some people die at 25 and aren't buried until they're 75"
-Benjamin Franklin

- Study Psychology, psychology is the study of human behavior, understanding psychology is crucial to understanding humanity and yourself.
- Study and practice meditation
- Again, seriously, drink more water
- Last but not the least, probably one of the most important on this list, forgive yourself.

"The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."
-Mahatma Gandhi 

"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you."
-Lewis B. Smedes

"Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself"
-Suzanne Somers

😅 I wrote a lot, didn't I? I hope that you at least considered everything that I said.

Anyways, Cya next chapter, take care :)

"One must imagine Sisyphus happy"
-Albert Camus

Age Regression Diaper 3000 [PART 2] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant