Chapter 12 - Traffic

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|2 hours after Nora's call|

Anthony is stuck in a really bad traffic jam.

Anthony: *sigh* "It's going to take a lot of time to reach home."

-1 hour later-

Anthony receives a call from Nora.

Nora: "Anthony where are you? it will take at least an hour to get to William's kindergarten and there's only 1 hour 15 something minutes left before school time ends."
Anthony: "Yea Yea, I know, there was a horrible traffic jam I should reach in around 10 minutes, get ready till then."
Nora: "Okay, come back soon and take care, bye."
Anthony: "Bye."

-7 minutes later-

Anthony: *gets inside their apartment* "Nora, I'm home let's go!"
Nora: "Yea ok coming!" *arrives near Anthony* "Ok, I am ready to let's go fast!"

Anthony locks their apartment door and they both head down through the elevator.

Nora is fine, just checking her purse to see if she forgot something or not.

Nora's thoughts: "Uh-oh, I forgot my phone, oh well we are getting late... I can't afford to go back and grab it. Let's just assume it is a temporary digital detox."

Anthony on the other hand, is lost in thoughts thinking about the Box, guide book, William, the limousine and everything related.

Anthony: "So much for a normal life." *sigh*
Nora: "What? Did you say something?"
Anthony: *jumps out of his thoughts* "Um, uh, I meant so much for a magazine" *nervous fake sad smile*
Nora: "It's okay, it's gone now, it's futile to cry over it now." *smiles at Anthony and pats on his shoulder*
Anthony: "Yeah... Thanks." *fake happy face*

Anthony's thoughts: "She is so clueless, I wish I could tell her the truth... Should I tell her the truth? No, I can't... What am I even thinking."

"Ding" the elevator door opens after reaching the ground floor.

They walk outside, get seated in the car and start driving towards Anthony's school.

-1 hour later-

Nora and Anthony get stuck in a traffic jam.

Anthony: "This is why I was late, there's this annoying traffic near this area for some unknown reason. At this rate, we will be 1 hour late."
Nora: *sigh* "We should've been at the kindergarten by now."
Anthony: "Yea... We will be at least 30 mins late if not more, the school ought to be empty of all children."
Nora: "I would've called William's class teacher and informed her right now about our situation, but, I left my phone at home... Do you have William's teacher's number?"
Anthony: "Nope"
Nora: *sigh*

-Time skip-

They arrive at the kindergarten.

Anthony: "I will bring William you wait here in the car."
Nora: "Okay."

Anthony goes towards the kindergarten entrance gate which is now closed and talks to the security guard about William.

The security guard informs him that the teacher took him with her and told William the teacher's address.

Anthony's thoughts: "Is that even legal? Oh well, at least he is safe and I know where to look for him."

The security guard then tells Anthony to check his phone. Anthony checks his phone and notices a missed call notification.

Security guard: "That's Mrs.Herald's phone number, she called you but you didn't pick up."
Anthony: "Oh, my bad, my phone was on airplane mode while coming to school to save battery."

Anthony goes back in his car.

Nora: "Where is William?"
Anthony: "Supposedly, he is with Mrs. Herald, that's his class teacher, right?"
Nora: "Yea."
Anthony: "So now we are going to go to her house and pick William from there"
Nora: "Okay."


If I get at least 7 comments and 9 votes I will upload a bonus chapter. 👀👍

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