Author's Note

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Hey! Welcome to the land of Quorin.

Thanks for giving this fantasy short story collection a look. There are a few things I want to inform you of before you start reading.

This was written in response to the WattALegend: Quorin Saga contest created by the Fantasy family of ambassador accounts on Wattpad.

This was written in response to the WattALegend: Quorin Saga contest created by the Fantasy family of ambassador accounts on Wattpad

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Map from the official Quorin Saga contest book

Each chapter in this book is based on a different prompt. The short stories are set in the same world, but they aren't directly related.

If you like what you read, please consider voting and leaving comments to share your thoughts! I'd love to hear from you.

Happy reading!

Kara xx

A Land of LegendsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora