Let Go

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Kelly was sitting in Jessica's hospital room waiting for her to wake up. The sounds of the heat monitor filled the quiet room. Everything went exactly how it was suppose to go. Grant was going away for a very long time.

Matt and Gabby were keeping Kelly company because no one knew when Jessica would wake up. Dr.Halstead and Dr. Rhodes had both stopped by to check on her.

It had been several hours since they had arrived and Kelly was becoming more and more impatient.

"Kelly take a seat. They said it could be a while." Kelly was pacing the room.

"What if she doesn't wake up Casey? What if there is permanent damage."

Matt got up from his seat and put both hands on Kelly's shoulders. "Dr. Halstead did a CT and it came back clean. Remember? She is going to be just fine."

"I just wish she would hurry and wake up."

"You've never been a patient man Kel."

Both guys looked to the hospital bed and Jessica's eyes were open. Kelly went right over to her and placed a kiss to her forehead. "I'm so glad your awake."

"Did they get him?"

"Yes. He won't be able to hurt anyone else." Jessica moved over so Kelly could sit next to her. "And you are safe." Kelly took a seat and wrapped his arms around her. Jessica laid her head on Kelly's shoulder.

"Are you kidding no one can take out Jessica Holbrook." Matt was grinning ear to ear.

"Jessica Severide." Jessica turned her gaze from Matt to look at Kelly who was grinning. Jessica could feel the tears starting to sting the corners of her eyes. "Ever since I saw you again at the reunion and going through everything we've gone through the last couple months I realized I don't want to spend a second without."

Kelly got down off the bed and got down on one knee and opened a ring box. "Jessica, will you marry me?"

Jessica's much came open but no words came out. It took her a second to find her voice but when she did "Yes of course Kel. The answer has always been yes." Kelly got up and kissed Jessica and then placed the ring on her finger.

Matt and Gabby were both clapping and happy. "Congrats you two."

"Just how it was supposed to always be." Matt was so happy to see his two best friends happy again and getting married.

Jessica was released from the hospital a couple hours later. Kelly took her back home so she could get some rest.

They were sitting on the couch watching some pointless tv show. Jessica was sipping on a glass of wine while Kelly had a beer. Jessica had her legs across Kelly's lap.

"I want to sell the house."

Kelly was in the middle of getting ready to take a drink. "You sure?"

"I need to let go of my past and fully move forward. All that house is is bad memories." Jessica was looking at her wine glass moving it so the wine was spinning.

Kelly placed a hand on top of her wine glass to get to her to stop and look at him. "No matter what I will always be there for you."

"Thank you Kelly." Jessica moved so she could snuggle into his side and feel safe.


Kelly and Jessica had asked Matt and Gabby to not say anything to the rest of the firehouse about the engagement. The couple was planning on doing it on Kelly's next shift.

Jessica and Kelly arrive at the firehouse for Kelly's shift. They had brought stuff so Jessica could make everyone breakfast. Kelly and her were being extra flirtatious while she cooked. He was standing behind her and had an arm wrapped around her waist. They both were giggling and smiling.

"Would you two get a room!"

Jessica pointed a spoon in Cruz's direction. "Shut it Cruz or you won't get any food." The rest of the house began to laugh.

"You two are almost exactly the same. Because I swear that is something Severide would say to Cruz." Hermann was looking at today's paper.

Jessica and Kelly exchanged a smile. "Well I'll be a Severide before you know it."

Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at the couple. Jessica held her left hand up to reveal her engagement ring.

There was a sound of what's, congrats, no way's and some screaming being heard in the common room. Everyone then got up to congratulate the couple.

"Damn Severide look at the size of that rock." Brett was examining Jessica's ring.

"Only the best for my girl." Kelly flashed Jessica one of his famous smiles.

Once everyone calmed down, Jessica finished making breakfast and everyone sat down to eat. Gabby and Brett we're already talking wedding planning and all the things Jessica would need to do.

Kelly had gotten up at some point to head to his office. Leaving Jessica alone with the girls. Jessica was drinking her coffee watching Brett and Gabby go back and forth on colors.

"Ladies we have plenty of time. Kelly and I haven't even picked a date yet." Both Gabby and Brett looked at Jessica shocked. "What? I wanted to enjoy being engaged before diving head first into extremely stressful wedding planning."

Gabby and Brett were now going back and forth on when the wedding should be. Jessica just rolled her eyes at the two ladies. "You guys come find me when you've worked some of the details out."

Jessica got up and put her coffee cup in the sink. She then made her way through the firehouse to Kelly's office. She knocked once and then opened the door.

"Hey Fiancé."

Jessica closed the door and moved closer to Kelly. "I love the sound of that." Jessica bent down and gave Kelly a kiss. "You left me alone with Gabby and Brett. I'm pretty sure they are going to have our whole wedding planned out before end of shift."

"My bad." Kelly had this devilish grin on his face.

"Mhmm your bad. Your gonna pay for that later." Jessica's eyes were becoming lust filled.

Kelly turned his chair around so Jessica was standing right in front of him. "Oh am I?"  Kelly pulled Jessica down so she was straddling his lap. Causing her to a yelping sound.

"yes you are." Jessica leaned down a bit and placed her lips on Kelly's. His hand found it's way into her hair holding her right where she was so they could continue kissing.

Kelly then stood up, talking Jessica with him. He went and lowered onto his bunk. He took a step back to lock his office door and close the blinds.

He walked back over to Jessica and got on top of her while she laid on his bunk. He reconnected their lips to continue their make out session.

Kelly was feeling up one of Jessica's breast through her shirt. Jessica had missed the way Kelly touched her.

Ambulance 61 Truck 81 Squad 3 Engine 51 Battalion 25 warehouse fire

Kelly groaned but then got off of Jess. "Duty Calls." Kelly leaned over to give her another kiss. "To be continued." Kelly dashed out of his office and headed for squad 3.

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