Take Off

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Truck 81, Squad 3, and Ambo 61 pulled up to the house fire.

Severide and Casey jump out of the rigs and head towards chief.

"Squad I want you to search the top floor. Truck take the ground floor. 61 be ready for any victims."Chief Boden gives out his orders.

"Squad mask up!" Severide shouts to his guys. They all mask up and head in. Squad starts to search the top floor looking for any victims.

"Fire department call out!" Severide was searching through upstairs trying to find anyone.

"Squad 3 Truck 81 evacuate. Neighbors have confirmed the family is on vacation."

"Copy that Chief ."

Truck and Squad make there way outside and pull of their masks.

"Terrible thing to come home too after being on vacation." Kelly has his helmet under his arm and is pulling his gloves off.

"Squad go ahead and go back to quarters. Truck will finish up."

"Copy chief."

"Squad pack it up!"

Squad heads back to 51. Kelly heads to his quarters to check on Jessica. He walks in and she is sound asleep. Kelly can't help but smile to himself.

He never thought this moment would ever happen again. Jessica Holbrook asleep in his bed sleeping and beautiful as ever.

Capp is walking by and sees Jessica in Kelly's bunk. "Dang Lieutenant do you always have a girl in your bed no mater where you are?"

Kelly shoots Capp a death glare. "Shut up Capp before I make you clean squad all by yourself."

Capp throws his hands up in surrender and heads to his bunk. Kelly enters his quarts and closes the door behind him. He takes a seat at his desk and does his paperwork from the last call.

For the first time in Kelly's career he was dreading the end of shift because he knew that meant Jessica and him would be boarding a plane to New York. He was scared something would change and Jessica would choose to stay.

Unfortunately the end of shift came a lot sooner then Kelly would have liked. He had gotten changed and went back to his quarters to wake Jessica up. He sat on the edge of his bunk. "Jessica?"

Jessica stirred in her sleep not really wanting to wake up.

"Jess we gotta go. Our flight leaves in a couple hours." Kelly would have just let her sleep there for as long as she wanted had they not had to be in New York.

"ugh. Fine." Jessica sat up and wiped the sleep out of her eyes. "Let's go get this over with." Jessica got up.

Kelly and her started to make their way to his car. "It's all going to be okay Jess."

"I hope so. I knew Andrew was a little crazy but I didn't expect him to act like that when I ended things." Jessica was truly nervous about this trip. She didn't know what would happen.

Kelly opens the car door to allow Jessica to get in. He closes it once she is situated. Kelly goes to the drivers door and gets in. They head to the Airport.

They get checked in and are sitting outside their gate waiting for the plane to start boarding.

"Can we just go home?"

"Jess we can't. You gotta do this." Kelly wrapped her in a hug.

"I just have this really bad feeling that something is going to happen."

"I will not let anything happen to you. I promise."

Their flight was beginning to board. Just before they had to turn off their phones Kelly was getting a call from Casey but he sent it to voicemail since they were getting ready to leave.

"Who was that?"

"Casey. I'll call him once we land." Kelly took a hold of Jessica's hand and gave it a squeeze. The flight took off and they were on their way to New York.


A friend of Gabby's from the arson investigation team had stopped by and gave her a file and a box. She brought it to the kitchen table and opened it.

Casey is drinking a beer. "What's that?"

"Arson thinks that fire where the family was on Vacation was intentionally set. They wanted a second pair of eyes on it" Gabby starts looking at the photos. It was clear to her that it was definitely arson.

Gabby opened the box of evidence to see what all Arson had collected. There are few evidence bags with pictures in it. Gabby's eyes grow wide as she see what the pictures are. "Matt!"

Matt comes over and looks at the photos. He immediately pulls out his phone calls Severide. But it goes to voicemail. "Severide call me back it's important."


"Yeah." They examine the photos more closely. The pictures are of Jessica and Kelly. There was even some of Jessica and Kelly in his apartment.

"I'll call Antonio and see if he can reach out to New York to get help." Gabby pulls out her phone and begins to call her brother.

"You do that. I'm packing us bags. We are getting on the next flight to New York." Matt heads to their bedroom and starts to pack him and Gabby a bag.

Gabby talks to her brother he tells her he will reach out and see what he can do.

Within in the hour Matt and Gabby were at the airport waiting for the next flight to New York. Unfortunately that flight isn't for another 2 hours.

All they can do is sit there and hope Kelly calls as soon as they land. Or that Antonio was able to reach out to New York.

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