Only Time Will Tell

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Casey and Dawson were boarding their flight to New York.. Kelly still hadn't returned Casey's phone call. Casey waited as long as possible before turning his phone off. All they could do was pray they could reach them before anything happened.

When their flight landed Casey had his phone turned back on before even exiting the plane. He saw Kelly had called him. He quickly called him back hoping he wasn't to late.

"Hey Casey."

When Casey heard Kelly's voice on the other end of the phone he felt a little relief. "Severide where are you two?"

"At her house in New York. Why?"

"Get out. that last fire we worked was intentionally set. It had pictures of Jessica and you everywhere." Casey and Dawson had started to make their way off the plane. Then Casey heard it. An explosion on the other end. "Severide!!"

Kelly had managed to be far enough away from the blast that it didn't affect him. But Jessica was right there in front of it. No time to move. The blast had thrown her backwards. She had hit the ground hard. 

Kelly noticed that the house was going up in flames a lot quicker then it should have. The entire bedroom is engulfed with in seconds.

"I'm alright Casey. I don't know about Jessica. The house is going up a lot quicker than it should!" Kelly ran over to Jessica and tried to wake her up. She didn't respond. "Jessica is out ."

"Severide get out of the house."  The call was ended. Casey and Dawson headed outside the airport to get their rental car.


Kelly wrapped Jessica up in the comforter that was in the bed trying to protect her from the flames. The smoke was starting to get heavy and thick. Kelly could hard catch his breath. But he knew he needed to push through. There was no way they would of been reached in time.

Kelly picked Jessica up. He made his way as quickly as possible out the bedroom door and down the stairs. Kelly dashed out the front door.  Kelly laid Jessica down on the ground and unwrapped her from the blanket. She was still out. Kelly felt for a pulse and there wasn't one.

Kelly began doing CPR; he was hoping he could make it till someone else got there to help. Much to Kelly's relief he heard sirens in the distance. Someone must of heard the blast.

Kelly kept doing CPR till medics could reach her. Within in seconds of a medic showing up Kelly passed out.


Casey and Dawson had med it to the house but Kelly and Jessica had already been taken to New York Presbyterian Hospital. Casey and Dawson headed that way. They arrived and were taken back to see Kelly and Jessica.

They were both in stable condition for the moment but they were still out. Casey stayed in Severide's room and Dawson stayed in Jessica's.

Casey was starting to nod off when he heard Kelly starting to move and come awake.


"Hey Casey."

Casey sat up a little straighter when he realized Kelly was really awake. "How you feeling man? They said you took in a lot of smoke?"

"I had to get Jessica out. I knew with how quickly the house..."

Casey caught him off. "Severide stop talking. I can tell by your tone it's difficult to speak."


"She's okay. Still waiting on some results. Gabby is sitting with her." Kelly nodded his head. "Go back to sleep. I'll wake you if anything changes."

"Thanks Casey."

"Anytime man."

Kelly closed his eyes and went back to sleep. Casey took this opportunity to go check on Jessica since Kelly now knew they were there.

Casey knocked on Jessica's door. Gabby had fallen asleep but was woken up when Casey knocked. "I'm sorry Gabby. I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine." Gabby stretched and looked at her husband. "How's Kelly?"

"He woke up for a second but when he was talking I could tell it was difficult. I told him to go back to sleep." Casey walked closer to Gabby. "How is she?"

"Nothing new since we got here. Neurology is looking at her CT and MRI. Trying to see why she hasn't woke up yet."

Suddenly Jessica's blood pressure bottomed out. Gabby quickly pressed the nurses button. Jessica's hospital room was soon filled with Nurses and Doctors trying to figure out what was wrong.

Casey and Gabby had been escorted out of her room. A nurse came out a bit later to talk to them. "We are going to need to take her to surgery. She has some swelling in her brain. They were hoping it would go away on its own but it hasn't"

"What are her chances?"

"We don't know yet. " The nurse followed the team as they took Jessica down for surgery.

Casey watched as one of his best friends from high school was being rushed to have surgery. He felt tears starting to stinging his eyes. Gabby placed a hand on Matt's shoulder trying to comfort him.

Casey and Dawson caught a voice asking to see Jessica. They both turned their head and saw Andrew standing there. Casey walked right over to him.


"Excuse me?" Andrew turned to face whoever was speaking to him. "Oh your one of Jessica's friends from the reunion."

"You can wipe that smile off your face. We know it was you who rigged up the bedroom closet."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Andrew had this smirk on his face.

Casey turn towards the nurse. "This is Jessica's Ex- Fiancé. She would not want to see him or have him anywhere near her. He is suspected to be the person who put her in that hospital bed."

Andrew then turned back to the nurse. "I'm sure i'm still her medical power of attorney. Check her file."

But before the nurse could do anything a doctor had stepped forward. "No your not Andrew. Jessica called me and changed it. It's now Kelly Severide. Now leave"

"How did she make him her power of attorney? She hasn't seen him in years! He doesn't know what she would want." Andrew started to raise his voice of the Doctor.

"It doesn't matter. She can appoint anyone she wants to be her power of attorney. Now do I need to call security or will leave on your own?" The doctor had her hand hover over the phone.

Andrew look visibly pissed off. His face grew red and he clinched his fist. "Fine." He stalked out of the building.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it. We all love Jessica here. She was one of our best ED docs. We were sad to hear she was moving back to Chicago. If he comes back have them page me. I'm Dr. Ashton."

Gabby and Casey both thanked the doctor. They then went back to Kelly's room to sit and wait to hear what the results of Jessica's surgery were going to be. Gabby laid down on the couch and Casey took his original seat in the chair next to Kelly's bed.

Now all they could do is wait.

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