District 21

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Kelly and Jessica has fallen asleep on the couch in each other's arms. When Jessica woke up she was laying on Kelly's Chest. She laid there listening to his heart beat.

Jessica felt Kelly tighten his grip around her. This caused her to look and be met with Kelly's blue eyes. They were just as amazing as she remembers. Jessica can't help but smile.

"Good morning." Kelly still sounding very sleepy.

"Good morning to you too." Jessica watched as Kelly tried to get awake. "Do you have to work today?"

Kelly picked up his phone to look and see what the date and time was. "No not today. I have shift tomorrow."

"I'm gonna have to go back to New York."

Kelly sat up holding onto Jessica. She settled into his lap. "What do you mean?" Kelly was concerned that Jessica had changed her mind or the Andrew had scared her into going back. "If it's Andrew I can take care of him."

Jessica couldn't help but laugh a little. "It's not Andrew Kelly."

"Okay then what is it?"

"All of my stuff. If I am coming back to Chicago and we are going to give us a shot again I need to get my things, let my job know, and tie up any other loose ends."

Kelly was relieved that she hadn't changed her mind but her going to New York scared him. He didn't know what Andrew would do to her if they crossed paths. "Then I'm coming with you."


"Jessica, Andrew threatened you yesterday. I am taking that threat very seriously. I don't want you to go to New York alone."

Jessica was admiring how protective Kelly was being of her. She hadn't felt protected in a long time. She was starting to notice all the red flags Andrew had given her over the past 10 years. There must of been a part of her who saw the signs and that's why she could never pick a date.

"I have a 24 hour shift starting tomorrow but then I'm off for three days. We can go as soon as I get off?"

"Sure Kelly. The sounds like a plan."

Kelly placed a kiss to her forehead. "Good now let's get some breakfast." The two of the climbed off the couch and headed for the kitchen.

***Next Day***

Jessica had drove Kelly to work the next morning. So she could use his car. She had wanted to drive around Chicago and maybe look at some apartments. Kelly had insisted it wasn't necessary but Jessica felt she needed too.

They shear a sweet kiss goodbye and Kelly heads into the firehouse. Jessica takes off down the street to begin her day.

Matt was the first person to see Kelly strolling onto the apparatus. "Hey Severide."

"Hey Casey."

"So was that Jessica I saw driving your car?"

"Yeah she's going to stay in Chicago for a bit." Kelly was smiling to himself.

Casey slapped Kelly on the shoulder. "That's great man! I'm glad you two are trying this thing again." Matt was truly happy for his two friends.

"Yeah the only issue is Andrew threatened her." Matt and Kelly stopped in the middle of the apparatus floor.

"What do you mean?" Casey crossed his arms over his chest.

"He said he wasn't giving up on them." Kelly became enraged just thinking about Andrew hurting Jessica.

"We won't let anything happen to her Kelly."

"I know. I am going to New York with her tomorrow to help her pack up her stuff, tell her job, and tie up any loose ends."

"Alright man. Well let me or Dawson know if there is anything we can do."

"Thanks Casey." The two lieutenants headed into common room to begin their shift.


After Jessica had left the firehouse, she headed to district 21. There was someone she needed to see since she was coming back to Chicago. Jessica parked Kelly's car and then headed inside the district.

Jessica headed towards the front counter where a women by the name of Trudy was standing. Trudy was looking slightly over the top of her glasses as Jessica approached. "Can I help you?"

"Um yeah hi. I need to see Hank Voight."

"Is he expecting you?"

"No... But."

Trudy cut her off. "Take a seat and I'll see what I can do." Jessica didn't dare to argue with her. She went and took a seat hoping she wouldn't be here all day.

Jessica had been there for about 5 minutes when two detectives came walking into the precinct. "Lindsey, Halstead." The two detectives walked over to Trudy to see what she wanted.

Jessica watch as they exchanged words. Once they were done Lindsey and Halstead turned around and start to walk towards her. Suddenly there was this sense that Lindsey recognized this girl. "Jess? Jessica Holbrook?"

Jessica was a bit confused but also felt like she knew the female detective. "Yes?"

"It's me Erin Lindsey."

It clicked once Jessica heard her name. Their moms use to do drugs together. They would be left alone to play together while their moms went and got high.

"Lindsey? No shit! I haven't seen you in ages girl."

The two women exchanged a hug. "Same girl." They pull apart. "You look like your doing well for yourself." Jessica was wearing a nice blouse, dark denim jeans, heels, and a designer handbag.

"You too! I mean Erin Lindsey a detective. I would of never guessed." the girls laugh. "Hey is Voight around? I wanted to talk to him."

"Yeah come on he should be in his office."

Jessica follows Erin and the guy named Halstead up the stairs and through the gate. They enter the bullpen. Erin doesn't introduce Jessica to anyone just heads straight for Voights office.

Erin entered his office with Jessica right behind her. "Sargent." Hank looked up from his paperwork. "I have someone to see you." Erin steps aside to revel Jessica Holbrook

"We'll look at you." Hank stood up from his desk and the two exchanged a hug.

"Hey Hank. It's nice to see you." Erin had left the office closing the door behind her.

"Take a seat please." Jessica took a seat in one of the chairs in front of Hanks desk. Hank goes back to his chair. "So I'm guessing you came back for the reunion?"

"Yeah I did." Jessica was visibly nervous.

Voight knew exactly what this meant. "Your staying aren't you?"

"Yes I have to Hank. This is my home. Kelly is here."

"I should of guessed Severide had something to do with this."

"Please Hank I can't go back to New York. I can't leave everyone again."

Hank leaned back in his chair. "You know this means you will need to come clean about everything."

"I know." Jessica knew exactly what Hank meant and she knew she would have too.

But was she truly ready?

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