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Jessica and Andrew pulled up to her old High School. Andrew parked the car and looked over at Jess. She was staring out the window at the school.

"You ready?" Andrew was determined to get her through this trip without letting her back out.

"I... I guess..." Jessica was not ready. All she wanted to do was tell Andy to go back to the hotel.

Andrew climbed out of the car and went over to her door. He opened it and held out his hand. Jessica sighed and took his hand. She stepped out of the car and Andrew closed the door.

The two linked arms and made their way up to the school. Jessica was scanning the crowd seeing who all she would recognize. So far she had seen a few people but no one she was really friends with.

Andrew pulled the door of the school open and Jessica stepped inside. There was no expense spared in decorating. The school had been decked out in pictures and decorations from their years at the school.

"See anyone you recognize?"

"A few but no one I was friends with." The two of them grabbed a glass of wine.

Jessica then lead Andrew through the school and they started to look at pictures. They stopped at a collage of photos. In the center it read "power couples".

Jessica started to look at the photos along with Andrew. The first one she saw was of Matt and Hallie. She had heard about Hallies passing and wanted to reach out to Matt but she didn't. Then there was Heather and Andy. Andy had died in a fire some years back.

The next photo was of Jack and Isabella. Jessica could feel the tears stingy the corners of her eyes. They died in a car accident the night of prom. Isabella and Jessica were inseparable. They were like sisters.

Jessica let her fingers graze the picture of Isabella and Jack. She missed them both. They were all suppose to go to NYU together.

"Whose that?" Andrew was watching his fiancé closely and knew the people in this photo meant something to her.

"Isabella and Jack. Two of my best best friends. We were all suppose to go to NYU together."

"What happened?"

"They died in a car accident the night of prom." Jessica let a few tears slip down her cheeks.

Andrew knew Jessica didn't talk about Chicago that much. Honestly he didn't know much about her past. He had always just let it go because she never seemed to want to talk about it.

Andy began scanning the rest of the photos and then he saw one of Jessica and another guy. They both were smiling. She was sitting in his lap and his arms were wrapped around her. She looked so happy.

Jessica noticed the photo Andrew was starting at. She felt a tug at her heartstrings. She knew she would have to tell him eventually. "That's Kelly Severide and me. We dated for most of high school."

"Is he why your so reserved?"

The question stung. Jessica knew she kept a lot of stuff to herself but she didn't know it was that bad. "He broke up with me the night I left Chicago. Said he couldn't do the long distance thing. We haven't spoken or seen each other since."Jessica walked away from the photos not wanting to talk about Kelly.

She wasn't watching where she was going and bumped right into someone. Almost falling but Andrew caught her.

"I'm so sorry." Jessica looked to see who she had bumped into. "Matt?"

"Still clumsy as ever I see?" Matt stared at her.

"Still cocky as ever I see?" Jessica crossed her arms and glared at Matt. A few seconds later they both burst into laughter.

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