take my life instead

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What will his life do for you?
Kill him, and you will ruin many lives.
People love him,
ADORE him.
All who meet him seem to be attracted
In some way.
You will have the satisfaction
Of bringing many to their knees
With his one death.

But now think of me.
Kill ME instead.
And release him.
Yes, he will live,
But you will ruin all the same people
Plus one.
His sorrow will spread like a plague.
All who love him will feel his suffering
Along with him.
That is one more person,
All the more pain.

And so,
I was killed,
And he was freed.
Only one thing wasn't taken into account.
If he had been killed,
The sorrow would have died out.
He would be remembered.
He would be mourned.
He would be loved even in death.
Only I would rage his demise,
And the people who love me,
The people who love him,
Will calm me.
Will calm my storm.

But they know I don't die easy.
I am but a cockroach.
Death has tea with me
Every day,
And leaves me asking
If I'll pay my dues tomorrow.
So when I die,
People will mourn,
People will cry,
But people will be angry.
A war will come to your front steps.
You will learn you cannot hurt
Anyone ever again.
You will learn that all of your actions have consequences.
You will learn.
You will learn.
You will learn.

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