Epilogue ♡

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It's now 5th June 1980

Iraya had rushed to the hospital as fast as she possibly could. She had received an urgent letter begging her to get to the hospital so she had apparated from Hogwarts, where she worked, to St. Mungo's and rushed to the room number she was given.

The woman had burst through the double doors that led to the ward and ran over to Narcissa.

The midwife who was with her had announced that it was time to begin pushing and in just a few moments their gorgeous little boy had been born.

The joyous look on Narcissa's face was reflected on Iraya's as she watched the nurses take the young boy away to be washed and wrapped in a soft red blanket.

This was the happiest day of the married couple's lives.

"What should we name him?"

"How about Draco?" Narcissa suggested.

"That's perfect! Hello Draco." She cooed to the baby.

Narcissa just lay there fully content with the two loves of her life huddled close to her.


Authors note:

I hope you enjoyed this short epilogue! I have started to write a Drarry fanfic that follows this, so please go and read that! It will be the life of Narcissa and Iraya's son who just happens to be Draco because I just love Drarry 😂😁😊

Word Count: 206

Total Word Count: 11121

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