Chapter 9 - Kissing

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Thanks to DoraTonksPotter for giving me the support to continue! Thank you for all your votes and comments.


"Oh, okay then."

Then, before she knew it, their lips were pressed against one another's, but Iraya pulled away. (Cissa kissed Iraya - just in case anyone who was confused)

"Cissa, I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend." And with that, she walked away.


Four days later, Narcissa received a letter. This was unusual. She never received post unless it was a howler.

She turned it around so she could open it, she didn't recognise the handwriting on the front, and she noticed the familiar seal. Someone from her ex-family had sent her a letter. Narcissa opened the letter and began to read.

Dear Narcissa,

It was years ago when we disowned you and your sisters but that left us heirless.

You have been claimed as our heir and our set to marry Lucius Malfoy once you have finished your time at Hogwarts.

If we ever get word that you have kissed another girl again you will be severely punished.


Cygnus and Druella Black.

She couldn't believe it. She had just lost her freedom. She had lost her best friend and the girl she liked. And now she had had to marry. Not just anyone. Lucius. Malfoy.
Life couldn't get any worse.

But there was one main thing that was worrying her more than anything. How would she tell Iraya?

She had just kissed her, she had just kissed her best friend knowing fully well that she had a boyfriend. She was a terrible person. Iraya would probably be glad to know that Narcissa was getting married off, at least then they would be as far away from each other as possible.


She couldn't believe what had happened. It was four days ago now but she couldn't shake her confusion. Narcissa was just taking advantage of her feelings, she knew she had had a crush on her but she had still kissed her. She knew that she had a boyfriend but she had still kissed her.

Iraya was just glad that she had had the strength to push the other girl away.

But she had decided that it was time to tell Remus, she had left him be for a few days since she had heard that he was in the hospital wing but he got out today so Iraya decided that this is when she would tell him.


"Remus!" Iraya called out as she ran past the people in the corridor.

"Hey babe." He replied as she caught up to him, he pulled her into a hug hoping that she wouldn't notice him wince.

"I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?" The Gryffindor didn't want to hurt him, not before telling him this.

"No, no it's fine. I just had some bandages but it's nothing new."

"Well as long as you're okay." She could tell that he didn't want her to push on the subject so she decided to change it. "I need to tell you something."

"Do you want to go somewhere a bit more private?"

"That sounds good!"

The two then made their way down to the kitchens which had become their place. They would always sneak here to talk or just get some food if they became peckish.

"So, what did you want to tell me?"

"I uh- well before I say anything I want you to understand that I didn't do anything but push her away."

"Okay, but you're starting to worry me. Iraya, what happened?"

"Narcissa kissed me." She blurted out.

"Well you just said you pushed her away and didn't do anything so it's fine. She probably only kissed you because of that letter she got saying she has to marry that Malfoy guy from Slytherin, Snivellus practically worships him." He laughed.

"Wait what?!? Narcissa has to marry Malfoy? Lucius Malfoy?"

"She didn't tell you..?"

"No! How did you know?" Her voice began to soften as she realised she was shouting.

"Sirius told me because Regulus had told him."

"How could she not tell me something like this? When did she get the letter?"

"Earlier today, at breakfast, apparently."

"That doesn't make any sense though, she kissed me four days ago."

"Wait! She kissed you four days ago and you didn't tell me?" Remus felt himself losing control of his emotions.

"I tried to but Madam Pomfrey wouldn't let me in and I could never fine James, Sirius or Pete."

"Oh, I'm sorry for shouting."

"It's fine, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner."

The two then sat in a silent embrace until the House Elves informed them of the late time, the young couple then raced back to their Common Room, luckily not getting caught out of bed.


Author note:

Thank you so much for reading this chapter!

Word Count: 813

Total Word Count: 9788

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