Chapter 5 - The Sorting

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The train finally arrived at Hogsmeade station and the two girls left their compartment dressed in their new robes laughing at something Iraya had said.

Narcissa new that her family would begrudge her for being friends with someone who wasn't pure blood, and she would most definitely receive a howler, but in that moment the young eleven year old didn't care. She was happy for the first time since receiving her letter and it felt amazing.

All the first years were soon ushered onto mini rowing boats that were controlled by magic and were taken into the castle by a lovely half giant who had a lively character.

They were all lined on the stairs awaiting the moment when the Deputy Headmistress would appear and take them through the the legendary Great Hall.

Narcissa had read about it in Hogwarts, A History and she had read about the enchanted ceiling and floating candles, she had read about the four tables with the previous house cup winners flags portrayed above. She had read about the torches which sat on the walls, and the Great Oak door which was currently towering over her as she stood at the front of the crowd of nervous first years.

Finally, a strict looking lady appeared from a side corridor and introduced them to the school.

"Welcome first years, in just a moment we will enter the Great Hall and you will be sorted in front of the rest of the students. Now don't be nervous, when we get to the front of the hall I will call out your names in alphabetical order and you will then sit on the stool and I will place the sorting hat on your head. That is how you will be sorted, any questions?"

No one had any questions so then McGonagall clapped her hands together and then spread them in the air causing the large oak doors to open.

The doors parted to reveal the rest of the school and the first years were gathered and lead deeper into the hall, all the way up to the front where they huddled waiting for their names to be called.

A few people had been sorted when finally her name was called.

"Narcissa Black."

She walked up to the front like she owned the place and sent a small smile in the direction of her sisters, who were eagerly watching excited that their sister would finally join them.

"Ah, another Black sister. I would have to say, you are quite different. You must sort your beliefs out alone my dear so it must be...... GRYFFINDOR."

The shock plastered on the young girl's face was mirrored by every one else in the hall, mostly on her eldest sister's face and the only people in the room who had a different facial expression were Andromeda, who looked proud most of all, and Iraya, who smirked knowingly.

She wondered why.


'I knew she wouldn't be in Slytherin, she just seemed too brave in her own way. The way that she, subconsciously, chose our newfound friendship over what she has known her entire life.

I'm proud of her for getting into Gryffindor house, even if it wasn't her first choice.

By the time I had gotten through all the thoughts running through my head, it was my turn to be sorted.' Iraya thought.

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