Chapter 3 - Diagon Alley

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It was 6:58 and Narcissa and her sisters had just finished getting ready and were now waiting for Kreacher to take them to Diagon Alley, they could have left then but since Kreacher was bound to Druella's word, they had to leave at 7 sharp.

Bellatrix was stood further away from her sisters and wasn't talking nor moving, just staring at the wall.

Andromeda, on the other hand, was overly excited for her little sister to finally be coming to Hogwarts and was not holding back from showing it.

Narcissa was just overly excited about getting her wand, an actual wand, just for her.

Then, as the grandfather clock chimed 7, Kreacher appeared with a snap of their fingers and they all held hands so that they could apparate them to Diagon Alley.

Narcissa was still not used to the feeling and had to cling onto her sisters for a minute, before she felt that she could stand again.

Once she could walk by herself, the girls said goodbye to Kreacher, after they had collected each of their money pouches.

The old house elf had already gone around and brought their books so they simply had to buy their robes and Narcissa's wand.

"Come on then." Bella said, leading the way towards Madam Malkins.

The other two followed swiftly behind her, too scared to reply in case their father found out and they were punished.

Once they had arrived, they were greeted and taken into a room in the back to be fitted.

Madam Malkin measured them up and set to work on fixing up their robes out of the materials set out.

Two pairs of Slytherin robes and one plain black set were packed up into separate bags and they left with quiet thank yous and the exchange of money.

The next stop was Ollivanders, Narcissa asked if her sisters wanted to join her but they both declined as they didn't want to intrude. Andromeda went to get ice cream for them all whilst Bellatrix waited alone outside the shop, a scowl set on her face.

The brunette entered the old looking shop alone and wandered up to the counter. She couldn't see anyone so she called out.


No response.

Then she noticed the small silver bell sat on the wooden surface and pressed it causing a chime to ring out, quite unlike the deep sound of the grandfather clock back home.

All of a sudden an old face appeared around the side of shelf wearing a shocked expression.

"Sorry, I didn't realise anyone was here." He apologised, obviously frightened upon recognising the girl from her resemblance to her family.

"Don't worry about it, I only just got here anyway."

"Perfect, I assume you want help looking for a wand eh?"

"Yes please."

"Well, another young girl came in here earlier and one of two wands chose her. So I wonder...." He trailed off into thought which may have confused some people but from what her sisters had told her, he did this a lot.

"Yes, here it is!" Ollivander exclaimed.

When Narcissa saw the wand for the first time her eyes widened, it was extraordinary!


"Thank you." The old man laughed at how alike the two girls responses to seeing the wands had been. "Well, what are you waiting for?" He continued.

"Oh." She replied, realising that he wanted her to test it out.

As soon as she waved the wand, the same silver glow engulfed the shop with its bright light before slowly dying down.

"Interesting." Was the wand makers only response.

"May I ask how the wands are connected?"

"They are connected by the core if course, it is in the stars that you will fall in love. But all in good time my dear, no need to repeat this to anyone eh." He hinted as she payed and went to thank him, but he was already gone. So she turned to leave and meet her sisters who were tucking into some delicious looking ice cream.

"You ready to go?" Bella asked.

The two younger Black sisters looked at each other cautiously before nodding and heading to leave.

However, on the way, Narcissa noticed a gorgeously elegant pale brown owl who had dark streaks running down its body and wings. She turned to her sisters.

"I'll be back in a minute." And then she turned to enter the shop.

She reached the perch where the owl sat and reached out her hand to the owl who quickly nussled up to her.

"Aw, how cute." An unknown voice said.

"Thank you." Narcissa replied turning to face the source of the voice.

"The lady at the front desk told me that this little cutie has been here for ages, nobody seemed to want her." The voice belonged to a young girl who had dark blue hair which blended into her black roots. Her eyes matched her hair and she wore a soft pink lip gloss which shone in the light.

"Wow, well all the more reason for me to buy her then, I guess. She looks like she could use a new home."

"Definitely. I'm Iraya by the way."

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Narcissa."

They shook hands and would've talked more if Iraya's parents hadn't turned up and told her that it was time to go home.

"It was nice meeting you, maybe I will see you on the train to school?" Narcissa asked

"I'll keep a look out for you." Iraya smiled at the brunette one more time before turning to leave.

Outside the shop, Narcissa could see the girl and her parents apparating away right next to where her sisters stood waiting for her.

The brunette went to pay for the owl which put a bright grin on the shopkeeper's face and then went to meet her sisters who had now summoned Kreacher to take them home.


Once they had arrived home, the girls went to out away their robes and Narcissa went to show her Mum her new robe, telling her all about the trip but missing out the part about the wand connection.

"That's wonderful Narcissa, now go to your room and get into a nice outfit because we are having dinner guests."

"Yes mother."

The young girl then returned to her room to change, slowly counting down the days before she left for Hogwarts.


Authors note:

Thank you so much for reading! There will be a time skip to September 1st next chapter!

Word Count: 1093

Total Word Count: 3867

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