A Filler Chapter

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I washed my hands again and went over to the kitchen, getting ready to get my cup of tea, before a loud knock was heard through the room, waking up Monaca. I frowned and walked over to the door, walking over and opening it to see Fuyuhiko standing there. He immediately started talking "Alright, listen up. Natsumi is sick right now and she refuses to let anyone look at her unless it's you or you are there. So get your outdoor clothes on and follow me" I glared down at him and put a hand on his shoulder, giving it a tight grip. "Listen here bud, I don't care who you are, or what reason it is. You come here, wake up my little sister, and then make demands of me. I wont tolerate that, you're lucky that I care about Natsumi, cause if I didn't, you wouldn't be walking anywhere for a while." Fuyuhiko flinched at the pain in his shoulder, and Peko, who was hiding in the shadows, charged at me with her bamboo sword drawn. Before she could hit me with it, I pushed Fuyuhiko towards her, causing her to stop her swing to catch him, which knocked her off-balance. I looked down at them, frowning "Take Natsumi to the infirmary, I will have a look at her there, cause right now I already have a sick camp starting in my room." Fuyuhiko glared at me a mumbled, his usual catchphrase 'bastard' before walking off with Peko. I closed the door and sighed, walking over to Hiyoko and then Aiko, asking them to look after Monaca while I'm gone. I then walked over to my bed and looked at Monaca "Alright, I have to go do something, you get back to sleep and I should be back before you wake up." She nodded and looked up at me "okay big brother. before you go, can I ask something?" I pat her head and smiled at her "go ahead" "What's a bastard?" 

I sat waiting in the Infirmary, 2 beds set up and waiting for the patients that Peko was escorting to the infirmary for me to look at. I had all the stuff needed to preform a quick check up on Natsumi set up by a bed. I had a metal clipboard in my hand with a couple papers on it reading them while I waited, It was mostly an inventory check for the infirmary, but it helped pass the time. Soon, the door opened and the 3 people walked in. I looked up at  them and smiled "Peko, go ahead and help Natusmi into on of those open beds, I need to talk to Fuyuhiko real quick" Peko glared at me, not moving so I spoke again "It wont take more than a minute, don't worry" Fuyuhiko sighed "Do what he says, the sooner Natsumi is looked at the better." Peko nodded and went to help the sick Natsumi into the bed while me and Fuyuhiko stepped out of the infirmary. Fuyuhiko looked at me, crossing his arms "So, what the fuck is this about?" I smiled "I will let you know when you wake up" he uncrossed his arms and went to speak "Wha-" before he could finish, I smacked him hard with the metal clipboards, hard enough to knock him out and make it hurt for a while, but not enough to kill him. I dragged him back into the infirmary by his ankle. When Peko saw, she immediately reached for her sword but I spoke "If you pull out that sword, not only will I leave Fuyuhiko on the ground and maybe kick him a few time before you reach me, but I wont preform a check up on Natsumi." She flinched and froze a bit, before moving her hand away from the sword and looking down. I dragged Fuyuhiko over to the bed and tossed him onto it, leaving it to Peko to readjust his position. 

I walked over to Natsumi and looked at her, She was pale and sweating with a light wheezing to her breathing. I grabbed a thermometer and put it in her mouth, grabbing some other things. After getting the temperature from the thermometer, I checked the back of her throat using a flashlight to see. After a few other checks, I sighed and grabbed an ice pack "You have a high fever and seem to have strep throat. I'd recommend sticking to liquid foods with higher nutrients, since you wont be able to eat anything without feeling pain or discomfort. Drinking herbal tea may help boost your immune system and help keep your breathing easy. You can take some medication in order to help shorten recovery time, if possible there is an upperclassmen here that could prescribe you better medication. For now you should stay in bed until your fever is down. If your fever doesn't go down by tomorrow, you will need to go to a hospital or clinic in order to have someone preform a better check on you" Natsumi nodded slowly, pouting a bit. I pat her on the top of her head "Peko can look after you and your brother, I need to go back to my little sister and take care of her" Natsumi nodded, looking down. I sighed and gave her a kiss on the forehead "Rest up Natsumi, you need it to get better faster." Her face turned red before she quickly passed out. I set an ice pack on her forehead and walked out, heading back to my room. 

Once there, I saw Hiyoko asleep at my desk while Aiko sat next to the bed with Monaca sleeping. I thanked Aiko for looking after Monaca and she left, leaving me to deal with Hiyoko. I set up a futon and set Hiyoko down in Monaca's be. I tucked her in carefully and kissed her on the forehead before checking up on Monaca, she seemed to be sleeping peacefully and looked a little better than before, so I kissed her on the forehead as well before getting into the futon I had set up. Before I could get to sleep however, my phone buzzed so I turned it on to check. Jin had sent me a message, informing me that some vials containing some illnesses had been found broken and that there might be many students getting sick at the moment. He wanted me to help the medical staff in the morning deal with all the sick students. I sighed and shook my head, turning off my phone before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

I woke up to find myself in the dorm room Monokuma set up. After having such a long dream, I expected it to be morning, only for it to be around 2 am. I sighed and decided now would probably be the best chance I had to go through with my plan, so I got up and stretched. "alright, It's time for me to end this killing game." 



Sorry for the filler chapter here, I was having some issues thinking of a reasonable way to end the killing game, but I wanted to work on this story so I just decided to do a filler chapter. This idea was scrapped since it was short and wasn't really appropriate at the time I thought of it. Sadly Chiaki didn't show up in this chapter, but that was because she would probably not leave her room if she was sick and just game her way through it. Anyways, Expect usual procrastination for the next chapter, and thank you all for reading.

as always, until next time. 

Ultimate scapegoat  (DanganRonpa x Male reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz