Chapter 6

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*3rd Point of View*

"Hey, Kaoru, what flowers do you wanna get Ojiichan?"

Kaoru hummed and walked over to Itadori, who was looking through the flowers.

Her red eyes scanned the plants until they landed on a stem that had many small purple flowers attached to it.

She picked a few up, "These ones."

Itadori tilted his head, ".....lilacs?"

Kaoru nodded, "Lilacs symbolize growth and wisdom. Just like how we're still kids, and as we get older the wisdom we have grows. I want to show your Ojiisan that we'll make him proud as we get older."

Her friend smiled, "Then let's get a lot of them!"

*Time Skip, Sugisawa Hospital*

"I told you two not to come." Itadori's grandfather grumbled.

"Stop buying flowers!"

"It's the same as usual. These flowers aren't for you, they are for the nurse. Kaoru brought flowers for you." Itadori sighed.

Kaoru gently put the flowers next to the old man, "These are lilacs. They represent growth and wisdom."

Itadori's Grandfather nodded, showing Kaoru that he understood why she brought those specific flowers.

Itadori sweat dropped, "I sense favoritism going on'

"What happened to your club? Enjoy the club activities!"

Kaoru giggled a little as Itadori sighed again, "Stop nagging. It was over at five. We wouldn't have come to see you if we didn't have time."

"Fine, you'll just have to listen to me, a man of leisure."

"I'm not interested."

Kaoru side glanced at Itadori, "Oi. Listen."

She and her friend looked over to the man, "I have one last thing to tell you two. About your parents—"

Itadori cut him off, "I told you I'm not interested! Please don't act all cool before you die, okay?"

Kaoru's eyes dulled at Itadori's statement and she fiddled with her bracelet.

"Men are supposed to die acting cool. Don't you understand, my damn grandson?"

"Don't get angry all the time. Just be yourself."

Itadori's grandfather scoffed and moved to his side, "The pressure free generation is ridiculous!"

Then he stated, "Yuji, Kaoru."


"You two are strong enough to save others. As far as you can go...if you can, try to save them. It's okay to be confused. Don't worry about to if you don't get any gratitude. Just...try to save more people."

The teens eyes widened.

"You two are going to die in front of a crowd of people. Don't be like me."

Kaoru silently gasps as she remembers someone saying something similar.

'The Strong should aid and protect the Weak. Then the Weak will become strong and they, in turn, will aid and protect those Weaker then them. That is the Law of Nature'


Kaoru looked up at Itadori then his grandfather.

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