Chapter 7

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*3rd point of view*


Kaoru's eyes were blood red and dilated. The bruises and scratches that marked her skin healed in an instant as she stood up.

She lifted her head up and glanced down at Fushiguro, who was frozen in shock.

Then she turned her head to the curse that had Itadori in its fist.

Kaoru bared her teeth and her canines seemed to change, growing into fangs.

Her finger nails turned blue and grew longer.

The female let out a loud growl as veins popped across her face.

Fushiguro jerked his head over to Kaoru and his eyes widened in horror, ' she?!'

Kaoru breathed heavily as she watched Itadori nearly swallowed by the curse.

Suddenly, the curse's arms were blasted to pieces and Itadori seemed to be unharmed.

He slid across the concrete and the curse came charging towards him.

But the monster was no match for him as he punched it with enough force to kill it instantly.

Kaoru stood there, her eyes watching Itadori's every move while Fushiguro watched in fear.

Then Itadori opened his eyes...

But they were red, not as red as Kaoru's but held more mysterious aura.

He suddenly started laughing, but his voice was much deeper and tattoos were etched across his body and face.

Fushiguro stood up and pushed Kaoru behind him.

She did nothing but continued to growl lowly, her eyes watching the males' movements.

Itadori's or Sukuna's laughter had gotten louder and more manically, "The moonlight is supposed to be felt!"

Then he ripped the yellow hoodie apart, showing his tattooed covered torso.

Fushiguro gritted his teeth, 'Damn it! The worst possible "what if" has happened! The Special Grade Curse is parasitic on him!'

Sukuna's smirk widened, "The flesh of the curse is too weak. Where are the human and the women?!"

Then he turned to Kaoru who stared at him with glowing red eyes.

"What's this? I haven't seen you in centuries."

Kaoru said nothing and continue to growl at him.

Sukuna grinned, "It seems you have forgotten your true calling...Kibutsuji Tokino."

Fushiguro stayed still. He had no idea what the curse was taking about. Was Kaoru a curse in disguise?

"How about it Kibutsuji?" Sukuna continued, "Shall we go back to massacring mankind?"

Kaoru stood still, not moving an inch. She could hear her heart nearly breaking through her chest. All she could think of was killing. The only thing she wanted was human flesh and blood.

Sukuna laughed, already knowing what the girl was thinking.

But his hand suddenly grabbed his face and he let out a noise of confusion.

"What are you doing with my body and Kaoru-Chan? Give my body back" Itadori's voice said.

"Why are you moving?" Sukuna asked in shock.

"This is my body."

'He's suppressing me!' Sukuna thought.

"Don't move! You are not a human anymore." Fushiguro shouted.

Red Spider Lily (Jujutsu Kaisen x Tokyo Ghoul)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu