Chapter 2

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*3rd point of view*

Gojo stood behind the thick glass in shock, 'What the hell happened to Higeki?!'

He watched as the white haired girl continued to ravage on the frightened curses, showing no mercy what so ever.

Then one of the scientists pressed the same red button that was used to release the girl.

'Caution! Resuming Restraint Protocol!' The robotic voice stated.

Suddenly, multiple guns that appeared from the ceiling aimed at the girl.

The guns fired but the girl managed to dodge all the bullets........except one......

When the bullet hit her on the shoulder, she immediately fell to the ground, unconscious.

Then more machinery began to appear from the walls and ceiling, putting on chains and restraints to the girls limps.

The Jujutsu Sorcerer nearly growled when he got a glimpse of the girls stomach. She was very toned but her skin was covered in scratches and scars, some showing that they were a few days or even hours old.

He turned to Yami who had a crazed look on his face, "Oi, what the hell was that?"

The middle-aged man turned to the eighteen year old and smiled 'sweetly'

"These are the experiments we do on our subject. Since It has something inside of It that is very rare, we decided to put that power to the test!"

Satoru had to keep himself from punching the man in the face, "Her name is Higeki not It."

Yami seems slightly taken aback at Gojo's statement but he simply shrugged, "Well, this was our last experiment since the higher-ups said someone wanted 'Higeki' out of confinement."

Gojo mentally smirked then quickly took out a few sheets of paper from his pocket and slammed it into Yami's hand.

"I was the one who ordered her release, now do as I say and get her out of that torture room!"
Satoru glared behind his blindfold, finally losing his cool.

The scientists including Yami were now very scared (as they should be), Yami made a call on the phone and sighed shakily, "Very well, she is now in your custody..."

Gojo smirked happily and walked out of the room without another word.

*le time skip*

After making a VERY quick call to the principal that Gojo finally got Higeki free, he decided to try and talk to her.

Fortunately, Higeki was awake and was no longer in rough and dirty chains, however, she was still required to wear Cursed Energy Canceling HandCuffs. One thing that confused Satoru,  was the first thing Higeki did when she  woke up. Which was putting on a white medical eye patch.

(I just made curse canceling handcuffs up and I am sticking with it)

They were currently in an empty room, with Gojo lazily (but nervously) sitting on a couch, while the female was sitting on a chair with her head leaned down similar to when she was in the 'asylum'

The blindfolded man nervously sighed and tried to make conversation with his long lost best friend, "'ve you been?"

No answer

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