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*20 years ago, Tokyo*

"Higeki! Satoru is here!" A woman with purple eyes and hair called out from the bottom of the stair case.

Suddenly, a small girl with black hair and purple eyes jumped from the top of the stair case, laughing and smiling.

She grabbed her mother's hand and pulled her towards the door, "Come on Mom!"

The woman smiled sweetly, "I know, I'm coming."

She opened the front door and there stood a boy with white hair and ocean blue eyes. Behind him was his parents

(I know there is almost nothing about Gojo's parents but just go along with it)



The two eight year olds ran and tackled each other to the ground, smiling as they did so.

Their parents smiled then Higeki's mother invited them all in.

As they sat down, Satoru's father asked, "How are you Touka-San?"

The purple haired woman smiled as she set down a few tea cups, "I'm doing well, how about you?"

"You know, getting older by the day!"

The adults laughed as the children looked at them with confusion.

"Where is Kaneki and Ichika?" Satoru's mother asked.

"Oh, they are getting groceries at the moment. They should be back soon!" Touka replied.

As the adults continued talking, Satoru nudged Higeki, "Ne~ wanna play tag?"

The ravenette nodded happily and tapped the boy's shoulder, "You're It!"

He sat there in shock while the girl zoomed out of the room in a flash. He shook his head and smirked, "I'm gonna get you Higeki!!!"

He followed the path his best friend took and chased after her around the house.

When he finally caught up to her, he immediately tackled her and their limbs tangled together as they wrestled each other.

Their parents looked at them with wide eyes before laughing happily.

Then, the front door opened and a man and girl with dual colored hair walked into the house with grocery bags in their hands.

Touka stood up and took a few bags from them, "Welcome back you two."

The girl glanced around the room and when she saw Satoru and Higeki, her smile widened, "Ne-Chan! Ni-Chan!"

Higeki turned her head and smiled widely, "Ichika!"

The two ran at each other and hugged, "Missed You Sis!" They said in unison.

The man smiled and his wife hugged him, "Welcome back Kaneki!"

The two kisses and all the kids fake gagged.


"No, no, no, not in front of us children!"


Now all of the adults were laughing at the children's reaction.

As the kids played, the parents got dinner ready, while having adult conversations.

"Ne, Higeki?"

The said girl looked up at her best friend, "Yeah?"

"Do you think we will be jujutsu sorcerers like your family?"

Red Spider Lily (Jujutsu Kaisen x Tokyo Ghoul)Where stories live. Discover now