"This is for you own good. Thirty minute break, got that?" Mom dropped the cord. "You have class in two hours anyway."

"No way!" Hoseok groaned. He turned in his seat, watching his mother walk back to her sewing machine.

Hoseok had a pout on his face as he waited for his mother to just let him do what he wants. It was tempting to plug the sewing machine back in, but he didn't want to piss off his mother. He didn't want a death wish. So Hoseok stayed grumpy as he stared at his mom's back, feeling like a child who just got his videogame console taken away. How is he supposed to survive half an hour without his sewing machine? No progress for thirty minutes? Hoseok could feel his soul getting sucked out of his body while his mother just worked on the hem of a costume.

"You'll survive, Hoseokie." Mom sighed as she stretched out her measuring tape. "Is this a project for your class? Or what's so important that you're working yourself to the bone to do it?"

"...uh...it's just important," Hoseok mumbled.

Anyone could tell that was a crappy excuse. His vagueness wasn't doing him any favors. Hoseok just hoped that his mom wouldn't ask any more questions about it. That could never be promised though with how stubborn and nosey she could be. Only when she wanted to snoop around did he need to worry. Sometimes Hoseok would wonder why she didn't become a private investigator instead. Maybe the pay would have been better. Either way, he just hoped his mother would drop it for the sake of his sanity. He didn't want to be drilled with questions about his date yet not date with you on Saturday. He's overwhelmed as is!

There was a lot on Hoseok's mind already. Since his sewing machine was off limits for thirty minutes, he really didn't know what to do with himself. Time was being wasted! He was struggling to sit still in his seat whereas his mother was calmly working. She cut the end of the fabric off by a couple inches before working on rehemming it. Hoseok could only watch in boredom. He used to watch her in awe when he was younger. Now, he'd much rather be getting his hands on some fabric to do the same thing himself. Sure, his hands were close to cramping from how much he's been using them for the past couple hours, but! This was his passion and this suit was important to him.

"Twenty minutes," Hoseok said loudly for his mom to hear. She only hummed, ignoring her son. "Eomma!"

"Uh-uh." She sighed at her son's persistence.

"Ten minutes. That's all I need." Hoseok sat up straight when she finally looked at him over her shoulder.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll stop testing my patience," His mother replied chillingly. She turned away from him to resume her work, leaving Hoseok silent.

If he wasn't scared before then he was now. Hoseok figured this would happen though. While she did love and dote on Hoseok, his mother was never afraid to put her foot down out of love. Hoseok sighed once more with a pout forming on his face. It was impossible to go against his mom. There was no turning the sewing machine on if he cared to live. If only his dad were around then just maybe he would be able to convince his mom. Dad was currently driving across the country as always. Being a truck driver made it hard for Hoseok's father to see his family often. At least he calls them frequently.

Hoseok's thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock at the front door of the shop. The door should be unlocked. Hoseok stood up from his stool as his mother looked over. Right away they smiled to see it was Dr. Yim waving at them through the clear glass. He was struggling to do so with the magazines in his arms. They looked like they weighed more than him. Dr. Yim was leaning back, his knuckles white as he tried not to drop them all on the floor. Hoseok quickly opened the front door to greet Dr. Yim who gave them a warm smile.

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