•minx catch up•

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I'm unaware of her boundaries pls let me know:)

How they hug you- she's the type to not initiate contact unless you do first, in fear of overstepping boundaries, but once you do she'll let go and just be super clingy.

How they tease you in public- definitely scratches your thighs, pinching them and making you squirm. She also licks your neck and rubs her fingers under your shirt.

Their favourite place to kiss you-your neck and shoulders, it makes you all giggly and she thinks it's cute.

What they do when they're jealous-gets sort of loudmouthed, expressing that you're taken and then they should fuck off, before pulling you away.

Their kinks-spitting. Don't question me. Hair pulling, choking, degrading and light praise if she thinks she's been too harsh with her degrading.

Favourite position-folded missionary, with a strap ofc

Big or little spoon-big spoon, she just wants to keep you safe.

Give or receive head-receive, more specifically she likes shoving your face between her legs and thighs pulling your hair to keep you there.

Their favourite way to cuddle-with her arms around your middle and her face in your neck, spooning.

How they react to you wearing their clothes- "that's mine!" Gets pouty about if you mess it up, but inevitably calls you cute and moves on.

Who they're jealous of-Niki, Niki's just so pure and she wishes she were that way for you

When you're on you're period- gets scared of you, because she knows she can be a dick to you so when you get mood swings she knows you won't be afraid to be a dick back

Their favourite body part- your hips. They're just yummy.

When you're sick- calls you a pussy for getting sick, but will remind you to drink water every five minutes.

Their sensitive spot-she doesn't have a spot exactly, but she's sensitive to ppl touching/playing with her hair

Non-sexual turn-ons-when you get dressed up nice. She wants to mark tf out of ur neck so ppl know ur taken

The promise/engagement ring they get you-I just knowwwww

The promise/engagement ring they get you-I just knowwwww

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What they call you-babe, baby, love and sweetheart

Their reaction to your event clothes- "fuckin' Christ you look good." Blushy, and wide eyes. Is low-key worried that someone will take you:(

Their reaction to you coming out as NB-"okay, I kinda figured, not gonna lie." Super supportive, and goes bat shit crazy on ppl that misgender you.

Their love language-physical affection, loves to just have you sit on her lap or hold you.

Tits or ass-tits. Tits. Tits.

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