💛Multiple-The Bad Kind of Jealousy Pt. 2

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Mention of Assult.

Not my best either, but I'm trying😅😅.

When you woke up, with the sun beaming onto you, the three of you were tangled together. Karl was laid on his back, his arm being a support for you and Alex's head. Your head was on his chest, while Alex curled into your back. Karl's other arm was in your hair while the one under Alex's neck was curled into the boy's dark locks. Alex's leg was draped over you onto Karl, while his arms wrapped around you tightly. You moved slightly, wrapping your arm around Karl, unfortunately causing Alex to stir.

"(Y/n)?" He asked, his voice groggy, "hey."

"Hey," you whisper back, hoping not to wake Karl. He hummed, dragging his nails across your belly. Butterflies ran rampant in your stomach, goosebumps forming where his touch left. He started to kiss your shoulders and neck, your body growing still as you sink into his touch. Your eyes fluttered shut again, just when Karl started to wake.

He groaned, his fingers lacing through the two people's hair absentmindedly. He licked his lips before he opened his eyes, looking down at the girl laying on his chest. He smiled down at you, before looking to Alex who smiled at him as well. Karl reached down, pulling your leg across him so you were closer.

"Time is it?" He asked groggily, nuzzling into the two of you. Alex reached over for his phone, picking it up to read the time.

"9:27 am," he mumbled, rolling back into you. Karl groaned, rolling into you. He pushed his legs between yours, lacing with your and Alex's.

"Should get up," Alex says, his hand leaving your waist to go to Karl's hair, brushing through it lightly. You groan, pulling the blankets up onto the group. Alex sighs. He kissed your neck again, before crawling out from the covers, opening the blinds to let light in. Karl and you groan, nuzzling against each other in an attempt to sleep more, "Come on, I'm making breakfast," he says, walking out of the room. Karl sighs.

"He's right we gotta get up."

"Don't wanna," you mumble into his chest, trying to get closer. He kissed your forehead, before sitting up. You whimpered, and you could tell by the way he looked at you he really didn't want to leave laying with you, warm and comfortable.

"Don't do that," he says, "you don't get to guilt-trip me." You pout, sitting up and getting up with him.

"Here, go get dressed, and then we can get you in a call with Will, Tommy, and Phil while I help Alex," he continued, and you agree, standing and going to the bathroom to change. You glanced in the mirror and nearly shrieked, you'd forgotten about the mark until now. You sigh, trying to dress cute to make you feel better about your appearance. You put on a Jean-skirt, with a cropped white sweater that had cherries on it. It looked really good on your body type. You didn't bother with any coverage makeup, knowing it wouldn't help, so you just put on some mascara and lip gloss. You walked into Alex's room, shuffling through his beanie drawer, till you found a white one with a red stripe. You took it knowing you had matching crew socks. You slipped it on with the socks, going to Karl's PC. Karl logged you in, and you rang the trio while he went downstairs to help with breakfast. After a minute, Wilbur answered.

"Uh, hello?" He asked, but it was hard to hear him, he sounded like he was in a busy place.


"(Y/n)! Hey!" He suddenly sounded happier, "how- how are you?" He asked hesitantly.

"I'm, I'm okay, I'm at Alex and Karl's, they're making breakfast," you say, sitting up in the chair, "where are you? It sounds busy."

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