💛Multiple- The bad kind of jealousy

Start from the beginning

"Hey (y/n) we're gonna come to pick you up alright?"

"He sounds like a dick."

As Tommy started speaking, Will, Karl, and Schlatt all began speaking at the same time as him. You laugh lightly.

"No he's okay, he's just jealous," you say, starting to outline your farm with fences.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm gonna give him something to be jealous of. He shouldn't be such a dick to you, honestly," Alex said, disconnected from the smp. Shortly after Schlatt and Karl also disconnected.

"Yo I'm coming to pick you up, we're taking you to Schlatt's okay?" Alex said through the call.


"Because your roommate is a clingy bastard, so you're coming over," Schlatt said, chewing obnoxiously through the mic. You hum, logging off of Minecraft. Not a minute later, Ricky walked in again.

"Are you kidding? I thought you were gonna follow me out, I didn't think you'd actually keep talking to them, god you're such-" he stopped, looking at you, seeing your wide eyes and scared expression, "just get out."

"What? I didn't do anything wha-"

"Are you fucking stupid? I said get out!" He took your suitcase from your closet and begun to throw your things in it. The boys started yelling through the phone, but you couldn't hear what they said because you had jumped up, rushing over to him.

"No, wait what are you doing? Stop! Ricky-" you quickly pulled him away from your closet, and that's when you smelled it. "Rick, are you drunk?"

"Get off of me!" He yelled, shoving you off of him, and onto the floor. You hit the ground with a thud, and you laid there for a minute, catching your breath. While you were there you noticed the shouting from the headphones that laid on the desk. You shakily got up, looking at the screen to notice that Schlatt and Alex had disconnected from the call, and Karl was yelling with Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy. You turned back to Ricky, who was still tearing through your closet.

"Ricky, please stop, come on man-"

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up! You're just another fucking slut begging to stay in my house because you can't afford your own," it wasn't until now that you noticed him slurring his words, and his shaky breathing. He didn't know what he was saying. You walked towards him trying to take the clothes from his hands. "Ricky stop-"

It was sudden and all at once. You were on the ground, and your face was stinging. Specifically your right cheek. He had hit you, hard. Your ear was ringing and your vision was blurred with tears. You didn't move at first, still registering what happened, but when you did, it was to your phone. You were about to dial 911 when there was a very harsh knock at your door.

You didn't make it to the front door in time to hear it open, and then there was yelling.


There were a lot of footsteps, then two people charged into your room. Alex and Schlatt had apparently driven to your house. Alex took one look at you, leaning on the wall for support with a half-dialed 911 call, and rushed to you. Schlatt, on the other hand, went to Ricky.

"Dude. Dude!" He yanked on Ricky's arm making him pull away from your closet.

"Who the hell are you? Why the hell are you in my house?" Ricky raised his hand like he was going to hit him, but Schlatt grabbed his wrist.

"Look man you want her to leave she'll leave but you need to get out so she can get her shit. Now go before we call the cops got it?" Schlatt shoved Ricky's wrist away, and he drunkenly stumbled out of the room, talking shit about the three of you.

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