"I heard that humans use these flowers for tea," Sesshomaru grunts, "You can use them to make us more of your weird human drinks."

You feel yourself melt. The unromantic Sesshomaru you were once with was now replaced by a shy, thoughtful demon. A powerful demon lord had prepared a garden of flowers that you could brew tea with. Wasn't he the cutest?

"Oh my..." you whisper, walking further into the garden, "This is so beautiful Sesshomaru."

He nods in approval. Sesshomaru watched in admiration as you walked through the flowers. Your hair brushed past your face softly and the kimino he gifted you flowed gracefully. You truly were his mate.

"I'm glad you like it," he grips your hand tightly, "If there is anything else you want, it is yours. Just tell me."

"Anything I want?"

"Yes [Y/n], I will give you the world if you so ask," Sesshomaru confesses. He suddenly pulls you closely to him. The two of you stood in a deep embrace in the middle of a beautiful garden.


"[Y/n]," he sighs, "When you were gone, I felt that I was going crazy. I can't lose you."

You feel tears come into your eyes as Sesshomaru's warm body relaxes onto yours, "I'm right here Sesshomaru, I'll always be."

Is this the feeling of true love? Back in the clinic, the villagers would always gossip about their love stories. You thought they were cheesy and unrealistic. But now that you were being embraced by Sesshomaru, you felt as though you were a maiden in a popular romance story.

"I won't let you get hurt ever again," Sesshomaru grabs you by your shoulders and forces you to look at him. He gingerly places a finger under your chin and softly pulls your lips to his.

You freeze, feeling a rush of passion and yearning that Sesshomaru had built up over the time you two were apart. Hesitantly, you kiss him back - wrapping your arms around his neck. He brings your waist closer to him.

Sesshomaru's tongue hungrily licks your bottom lip and you open your mouth up to him. He pushes his wet muscle deep into you as you both battle with your tongues. Expectedly, he wins and you allow the demon to eagerly explore your mouth.

"Mfmp!" you push him away, panting heavily. A string of saliva connects both of your lips, "Sesshomaru..."

"I missed you [Y/n]. I've longed for you for years," he licks your cheek, "You're safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you."

You blush as the demon begins to kiss your neck. He searches for your sensitive spot, using his tongue to poke and lick every crevice until you finally let out a weak moan.

"Sesshomaru," you whimper, "Not there-! Everyone will see!"

"I need everyone to see," he responds, "I have to leave my mark as your mate."

You breathe heavily as he sucks on your neck. He bites you softly, swirling his tongue. Finally, you grab his shoulders and push him off you. A crimson blush settles on your cheeks and a newly red mark sat on your skin.

"I have to mark you too..." you say shyly, "so everyone knows you're my mate."

Sesshomaru stumbles, bewildered by your sudden authority. You tippy toe and begin to lick at his neck. The demon feels goosebumps all over as you finally begin to suck and kiss him. Multiple small hickeys begin to appear around the lord's neck.

It was a sight that made the lust within Sesshomaru grow crazy. Your red face and yearnful eyes stared back at him. The kimino you wore fell slightly off your shoulders to reveal your collarbones. Sesshomaru's love mark was displayed beautifully on your delicate skin.

"[Y/n]," he quietly whispers, "if you keep acting like this I won't be able to control myself anymore."

You ignore him, pushing the hem of his clothing off his shoulder and nipping at the base of his neck.

With a final lick, you fall back onto your the soles of your feet and look in admiration. Sesshomaru's pale skin trickled with red spots. A smile grazes your lips in satisfaction.

"You test my endurance," Sesshomaru huffed. He inhales slowly in attempt to slow his rapid heart rate. His arousal had been a long feeling that he had suppressed in fear of losing you but now... maybe just maybe he could have some relief.

"Endurance?" you blinked innocently. You used a finger to trace over the tiny marks on Sesshomaru's collarbone.

"Yes my en-"

"[Y/n]! Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin cries, running into the newly planted garden of flowers. Jaken follows along begru
begrudgingly as he's dragged along by Rin. "There you are, I've been looking for you guys!"

Sesshomaru growls to himself and glares at Jaken. Didn't he specifically tell that frog to keep Rin busy so he could be alone with [Y/n]? Demonic eyes made Jaken freeze. He tried desperately to pull Rin away but it was no use. The girl was too eager to see [Y/n].

You quickly adjusted your lose clothing, slyly covering Sesshomaru's love bite. Smiling, you open your arms to greet Rin with a hug. "Hello Rin!"

"[Y/n]," Rin whined, "Lord Sesshomaru is so mean. He keeps telling me not to bother you!" Her grip tightens around your waist.

"Sesshomaru...?" you question, glancing back at the demon. Your met with a childish look of jealousy that causes you to let out a small chuckle.

"You were recovering," Sesshomaru averts his eyes, "Rin would have bothered you."

"No! Lord Sesshomaru was bothering [Y/n]!"

"Fool, I was protecting her while she slept."

"Alright, alright you two," you hugged Sesshomaru with your free arm, "Thank you for helping me."

Rin beamed and dug her face into your waist. Sesshomaru shyly returned your hug. You felt your heart explode with happiness. After the hardships of being a spiritual healer and having the wrath of your parents down your throat....

It was the first time you truly felt as though you had a family.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this nice little segment. 

Also, I was heavily inspired by Snow White With the Red Hair for the "love bite" part of this chapter. You guys should watch it if you haven't yet! It's super cute. Anyway, thank you for reading. Have an amazing day <3


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