" Fine. I was driving past your sister's house, well the back. I didn't even know it was her but then I saw someone pulling your wife into a black van so I stopped and you know tried to see if I could get her away from them but I couldn't. That's how I got this bloody face and don't worry I'm fine but I managed to get my phone into a bag in the van and that's why we need to catch up with her before anything bad happens. I'm tracking my phone with my IPad and it already looks like they got on a plane or something like that but they've left Los Angeles. We're going to get one of my choppers and then we'll follow them to wherever they're taking her " Oh my goodness. They were taking her to Colombia. I couldn't be more grateful for all the information he has given me. " Let's go then, quickly"

I had to contact Zarah and Director Malcom. We badly needed all their help. Especially Zarah's.

-------------------Medellin, Colombia.

----------------------------Central Police Station, 3:00am, next day.

" I need to get your phone from Pa Alejo's house" I couldn't leave it there. I had to contact Sir Khalid about our plan, even though he was caught without me executing it. " Well we can go back" Tyler said as we walked out of the police station.

We weren't detained Alhamdulillah.

We told them about all Pa Alejo's shady dealings and how he trained and used us. How he illegally gave me an identity and how he made us kill people. We were victims so they had no right to detain us. All they asked from us was to just stay in town and not leave until after Pa Alejo's trials.

Pa Alejo couldn't walk now. He lost his legs. It was funny to me honestly. Dude crippled himself.

" You have no idea where Miss Hae Soo is really?" I needed answers to my questions. Who's the soon to be dead girl?

" Did she find Seon Ah?" I asked again and watched him shake his head. " She couldn't have. You see I think she ordered one of Pa Alejo's men to take a Farah girl to some place. I think I heard Farah or was it Fariah. I didn't hear them properly so I didn't really tell the police about that, that's like giving them false information" Faryah!.

Oh no.

She's the soon to be dead girl. She has probably kidnapped her and is bringing her here .

No no no.

" It's actually Faryah and not any of those names you called. She's the mother of the baby you kidnapped. We need to get to them quickly. She could kill those two" The worry in my voice was extremely obvious. I promised to bring Najmah back to them safely and Faryah being here with Miss Hae Soo was bad.

Very bad.

" I can try calling up the man the Korean woman sent. He's probably with her" Tyler thought out loud as we entered a taxi and I made sure he made that call.

We had to inform the police as well but now we needed to secure their location first. " Track where he's answering you from" I whispered to Tyler with his phone to his ear.

" Yoo man" Tyler called and immediately put the phone on speaker and tried to locate where he was receiving the call.

" Boss" we heard him answer.

" You weren't caught during the raid right?" Tyler asked again. The network reception was poor. It was going to take a while before we found him. " Yeah, the Korean woman saved my ass. I took a trip to Los Angeles to get a super cute girl and now I'm with them in an old cement factory" Jackpot.
" Well that's great, but you should be very careful, the police are looking for that woman"

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