For all I knew Miss Hae Soo had eyes and ears everywhere and it was possible she's now aware that I know my daughter was taken and she was going to do anything to make sure she got rid of any trace that could lead us to her. " I need you to do something for me Aidah, you're going to say all what you told me and I'll record it as concrete evidence, if anything is to happen"

" Why ma'am? is something going to happen to me?" She was panicking. I really didn't want to scare her and I also didn't want to lie to her.

" Aidah my family is in very great danger and we really really need your help" I said after a deep sigh and sat beside her again. " I'm willing help in any way I can ma'am" She answered with a lovely smile and I couldn't help but cry. I was sad, I didn't want to involve her in this, all she did was to help and Miss Hae Soo was probably going to kill her for that. I mean really, that was the same thing they did to me. They tried to kill me just because I identified who the person trying to kidnap Sophia was.

But Allah preserved my life and here I was. Still standing.


" I'm going to make sure you're well secured and I'll make sure no one can come close to hurt you" I assured her and she smiled a bit. " Miss Faryah, if helping you is going to cost me my life then I'm very fine with it" well that's something I've never thought of hearing. " you see Miss Faryah, dying with Allah pleased with me is my goal, my family and friends will mourn but it's not going to be for a very long while, and I need good deeds in my grave, I don't mind helping for the right cause even if it puts me at risk"  Oh my Allah.

How pure could her soul be. The fear of death made her like this. Ya Allah please Grant her greatest desires. I hugged her tight as those words escaped her lips. It made me cry more honestly. " Thank you so much" I said and dabbed my eyes as I let go of her. " Anytime"

" I had to live miserably for the past week because I thought my daughter was dead, I'm so glad to hear that she isn't, you don't how happy I feel, I feel happy but I'm still scared. She's in the hands of a psychopath. The woman can do anything just to make sure her enemies suffer, she doesn't care about who she hurts on the line" I added again as I took a tissue from my bag to fix my Kajal. " She'll be found safe and sound In Sha'a Allah"

" Thank you so so much Aidah, let me call my father and the police up, give me a few minutes please"

" Take your time" she answered as I left the room and called up the detective that was in-charge of everything. Detective Omar.

They were all on their way to the hospital to question Aidah. I stood very close to her room so no stranger could enter. Her family members went to get something for her so she was all alone. Abbah wasn't picking up my calls. He was probably in the court.

Khalid was the next person to call.

" Khalid" I called into the phone immediately he answered.  " Hey Faryah how're you?" He answered and I smiled as I heard his voice again. " I'm okay, Uhmm I'm going to go straight to the point, you see I called cause Najmah is actually still alive" the happiness in my voice and in my heart couldn't measured to any worldly thing. I was so happy but of course I was more than frightened. " what are you saying?" He was interested in what I had to say. Yayy!!

Well of course he was.

She was his daughter too.

I mean everyone will be interested in what I had to say.

Faryahحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن