Scott took pictures of the map that was on Argent's office. There was some cross marked on it. But the one from Danny had lines on it.

   "Now, the weird thing about Beacon Hills is that it actually is a beacon." I added. Stiles look at me and continued my explanation.

   "You wouldn't believe how much energy flowing through this earth is around this town."

   Scott moves the pictures that he took earlier and said, "Guys, look, they match" We all begin to move the pictures to see if they match like Scott said. "All right, there's three places, right?"I nodded as he starts to circle the croisement of the lines that Danny made. "Where they're kidnapped, and then the place where their body was found."

   "Look, that's right on the telluric current." Lydia stopped him.

  "So, maybe where he was sacrificed is somewhere in between" Scott realised.

   "Let me see that" Stiles urged. I took a step closer to him. Our shoulders were side by side, but like really, really close. He look at me during a half of a second and I swear I saw his cheeks beeing red.

    Scott smirked a bit and gave the pencil to Stiles.

    We continued to talk until a phone's ringing. It was Cora's one. We all packed up, ready to go to the bank's vault.

   "Guys, hold on." Lydia raised her voice.

    "Lydia we don't have time." Scott said, he was already near the door. But when he saw Cora's facial expression he calms down a bit.

   "It's Boyd. The plan didn't work. They cut the power." Cora said. You can tell by her voice that this was not a good thing at all.

    We all look at each other, not really able to know what to do until Scott mumbled something to himself.

   "Go. I can save Deaton myself." Scott said but this time a little bit louder.

   Stiles begins to ask about what we have to do. And he just said that we had to go to Derek's loft. But the same feeling in my stomach was here. The one that says 'DANGER'.

   After we pull all the weird button up for the electricity, we make our way upstairs.

   As we enterd the loft, mine and Stiles' hands were laced together. Lydia and Cora next to us.

   Derek was kneeled next to a body, the floor was filled with water. But he didn't seem to care. For the first time in my life, I saw Derek with a very sad expression. I approached a little bit and saw that it was Boyd. My hand was now on my mouth and my eyes were filled with tears. I didn't really know Boyd but he seemed to be a good person. But now, he's dead... Dead because of this werewolves pack. Again.

   Cora ran next to his brother and kneeled herself next to Boyd's body. Cora was crying and sobbing, I was next to her. I didn't know how to reacted, so I just kneeled down next to her and took her in my arms. I was expected to be rejected but she hugged me back.

   "I'm sorry" I whispered as my hand ran softly through her hair.

   Sobs filled the loft. From Derek and Cora, it was like loosing a part of their family. And I know the feeling, and the worst part is to see the people who did this to them, walking like nothing happenned.

Without Warning  ✺  S.S Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora