[ CODE; 2.08 ] Unfortunately, this is only the beginning

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Warning: BSD Manga spoilers

"Daughter?" Jouno repeated the words as if it were a mantra.

The light colored haired male chuckled giving Dazai a condescending grin.

"I'm sorry, but I think we both know that..." He paused, feeling the sudden surge of anger, irritation and contempt that bubbled up against Dazai Osamu's carefully reserved emotional process.

"Test subject D-14185, was and never will be your daughter."

The brown haired man narrowed his eyes as someone harshly pulls him back, restraining him- assuming that Dazai would launch himself at Jouno out of anger due to the declaration.

However he remained silent. Instead, he mentally cursed at the male for speaking such claim.

Despite the odds stacked against him. With all his blood, heart and soul.

As much as they wanted to deny him.

Dazai Osamu, was and will always be Yukiko's father (along with Chuuya of course and Yaga as well). He knows that himself after all, he was the one who chose to be that figure in her life.

If they will regard him not as her father by blood, then he is and will always be Yukiko's father by choice.

Sleeping medication was injected into his body.

Dazai mustered a last and final glare towards the man who arrested him before everything went dark.


Apparently Yukiko was sitting and contemplating with herself on that building way longer than she originally intended to.

They arrived at the agency (which is roughly a twenty minute drive due to traffic) at sunset, making Yukiko bow her head and recite a string of apologies for wasting the officer Sawamura's time.

The officer assured her that it was part of his job to look after her, so no harm's done. He had admitted to feel more secured knowing that he was there to look after her after the tragedy that occurred earlier.

The policeman ushered her into the agency building calmly and to her surprise- Yukiko was met with familiar faces she didn't know were in Yokohama.

"Yukiko!" Cried Itadori, the first one to see her.

The pink haired male stood from his seat and launched himself towards his friend and classmate.

"We heard what happened to you and immediately rushed here!" Kugisaki was next to glomp her into a hug.

Sawamura-san chuckled, excusing himself from the group and reporting to Kunikida about what had happened.

Yosano and Ieiri were discussing about the vitals of the lone survivor- Nam Jaebeom. The agency doctor had tried her best to heal him, but there are aspects of jujutsu she couldn't understand leading to the agency contacting Yaga who immediately responded to the aid of his adopted daughter, Ieiri Shoko following after him to see what she can do.

When the one celled duo finally let go of her Yukiko was met with a rather awkward yet calming hug of their raven haired companion.

Fushiguro Megumi wasn't very vocal with his feelings and he tends to express is emotions through his actions.

And now, Yukiko could feel that he was relieved that she at least was safe.

Yukiko looked around to see any signs of either of her fathers there only to be lead disappointed.

Yaga enveloped her in a warm hug. Slipping Jje in her arms when he released her.

She hugged the stuffed toy and pulled the sand colored coat over her shirt.

Finding Paradise | BOOK 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon