[ CODE; 2.07 ] History repeats itself, recreating a tragedy

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Warning: BSD Manga spoilers and STORMBRINGER references, I will assume that by reading this you have already read the manga/Lightnovel and/or don't really care about spoilers but even so, if some things are confusing, feel free to message me privately.


Osamu simply stared at the scenery overlooking Yokohama. The sun was high and it's blinding rays covered the entirety of the population.

He sighed.

"It's almost time."

Mori hummed turning to stand next to his successor.

"You never did change, Dazai-kun."

Dazai glanced once more at the photo in his hands.

It was an image of Yukiko and her two teammates after they won their last debate competition together.

Yaga gave him most of her photo albums.

"I believe this is where history will repeat itself?" Mori inquires.

The brown haired man remained silent. Placing the paper on the desk and removing the red scarf around his neck.

"We had a deal, Mori-san." Dazai spoke, stretching his arm to give the scarf back towards the raven haired man.

"You know what to do."

The former doctor sighed, grabbing the scarf from the brunet's bandaged hands.

"Of course."

With that, Dazai also discarded of the black coat around his shoulders— walking away leaving Mori in the office by himself.

Yukiko's photo being the only reflection that he— the real him— was ever there.


The sound of rushed footsteps and heavy breathing.

The sound of glass breaking.

Kaito and Yukiko's attention was the Billiards bar.

The stench of blood was so overwhelming, nothing could hide it.

As soon as the special grade sorcerer step foot in the building—

All the curses that appeared were exorcised in the speed of light.

Yukiko shakily approached the room where they were previously having their match.

Nine people lay defeated in the center.

Remnants of curses were laying amongst them.

The curses weren't disappearing


Yukiko sank to her knees and crawled towards the nearest body.


She cried, cradling her senior's body towards herself.

Kaito went ahead of himself and looked into the others to see if anyone was still breathing at least.

"Dazai...." The green haired girl groaned opening her eyes to see Yukiko's tearful gaze.

"Senpai— oh my gosh— senpai! Hang on please I..." Yukiko immediately started to use her reverse cursed technique on the older girl.

"Dazai Yukiko..." Sato whimpered. "No, don't it's okay."


"Thank you..." Her senior smiled. "For letting me get my wish before I die."

A warm coat was draped over her body making the shaman freeze.

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