[ CODE; 2.06 ] Double Black, A mission from 15-16 years ago

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Warning: Minor BSD STORM BRINGER spoilers

"A possible traitor?"

Were the first words that came out of Chuuya's mouth as he took in the information the boss- Mori gave him.

Apparently someone anonymous had tipped the Mafia boss that someone within the organization it's planning to kill and take over his position.

Deja vu am I right-

Moving on...

"Yes." Said the raven haired man clasping his hands together.

"This operation goes two ways." He explained.

"Koyou, Akutagawa and troops from the Black Lizard are spread out all over the city blocking all possible escape routes," Mori noted. "Considering the possibilities that the traitor- Professor Hunters had already escaped the lab- we wouldn't want another Dazai incident no?"

The ginger pursed his lips, however uttered nothing.

"Chuuya on the other hand, will be infiltrating the lab- a special request from the anonymous sender themselves."

The ginger haired male narrowed his eyes.

"Why is it specifically me?" He wondered out loud.

"Who knows..." The boss shrugged grabbing an item from his desk and tossing it towards the ginger.

It was an earpiece- to get in contact with the others.

"I trust that you will accomplish this job, Chuuya-kun?"

The executive examined the small device in his hand before slipping it in his ear, testing the gadget. When he was satisfied with the connection, Chuuya took off his hat holding it against his chest as he bowed.

"You can count on me, boss."


Dazai trekked alone, files in hand as he near the wearhouse where Professor Bianca Hunters' lab was hidden- as said in Dr. Rizal's letter.

"So this is where Bianca nee-san did all her experiments." The brunet uttered, making his way towards the only entrance to the facility. The door.

As he reached for the doorknob, Dazai immediately retracted his hands at the sight of a familiar pair of gloves reaching for the same door as he is.

"Geh-" Nakahara Chuuya grimaced, staring at his ex-partner in shock.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" He hissed.

"Ah, I should've known." Dazai Osamu sighed. "This must be the reason why I'm suddenly feeling sick." He covered his mouth with his badged hand and faked vomiting.

Chuuya scowled, kicking the door open for both of them to enter.

So much for quietly infiltrating...

"This sucks." The ginger complained.

"Do you think I like it?" The brunet refuted.

Both men went to the trap door and opened it. Glaring at each other before deciding peacefully (yeah right) who to descend down the ladder first.

"I don't know why you're here Chuuya." Dazai grumbled. "But I'm here on a case so if you would be so kind to not get in my way-"

"Hah?" The ginger snarled hopping off the rails. "Don't make me laugh, I have business regarding this place. I'm on a mission!"

"Oh so you're finally competent without me? That's nice to hear."

"Why you-"

"I'm using the elevator" Dazai yawned "toodles~"

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