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After that, I kept playing. Taking out music from the bench and playing more happy songs. From Mary Poppins or by composers like Bach or Beethoven. Whenever I wanted to. After school, before school, on a Saturday evening as my brothers made dinner. More life then ever was brought into our house again. And when I was alone, I would sing. I could barely hold a tune. While my mother sang like an angle. She still would encourage me to sing as much as I wanted to. I was taking baby steps to get my life back to normal again. So singing was another step forward. The thing was, the gang didn't know about my playing or singing. They never asked about the piano and they never saw me play. It was just a coincidence. I wasn't trying to hide it from anyone, it's just how it happened. So none of them knew, until today.
It was a Wednesday night. Darry worked late, Soda was off with Steve and Pony was at the library with Johnny. We've gotten more comfortable with splitting up in town. As long as there was more then one of us. I played 'my favorite things' from The Sound Of Music. Another one of my mom's favorite musicals. It was on Broadway in 1959 and was now a movie. She never saw the movie but she loved the stage production. Another book of music I had in the collection. Playing didn't make me cry anymore. It just made me smile. I began to play the song to myself and softly singing. "Raindrops on roses,And whiskers on kittens. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. Brown paper packages tied up with strings. These are a few of my favorite things." I didn't start off too loud or too fast, just simple and slow. "Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels. Doorbells and sleigh bells And schnitzel with noodles. Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings. These are a few of my favorite things." My fingers began to pick up the pace a little, my eyes darting from the music to my hands and back again. "Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes. Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes. Silver-white winters that melt into springs. These are a few of my favorite things. When the dog bites. When the bee stings When I'm feeling sad. I simply remember my favorite things. And then I don't feel so bad." My smile grew wider and I sang a little louder. I repeated the verses one more time until I concluded the song. "I simply remember my favorite things. And then I don't feel so bad." I held the last note for as long as I could, about two measures. My hands rested in my lap as I bite my lip. It felt good to be back, I felt so connected with my mom now that I played again. "I didn't know you could sing and play." Dally's voice made me jump out of my skin. "Dally! Don't do that! Don't you ever knock?!" My hands grasped my chest over my heart. His laugh rings through the dining room, making me smile. "Again, I didn't know you played or sang." He walks closer to me, his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "My mom started to teach me when I was little...I haven't played since my parents died." I looked down at my hands. "Mind if I sit?" He asked. I looked back up at him before nodding and scooting over for him. He sits down with me. "What made you play again?" He asked. I shrugged. "I don't know, I just had a feeling to. It was last week." I explained. "Well it was beautiful, and your voice is too." He smiled over at me, I smiled back and my cheeks flush lightly. "Thanks Dal." We just looked at each other for a second before he speaks again. "Can you teach me?" He asked. I chuckled softly. "I can try." I nodded.
Once I explained the basics, the keys and the hand positioning, he puts his hands on the keys. I reached over and adjust his fingers. "Here...here...here...here and here." They were on the basic notes for 'Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.' "Just relax your hand, let me guid you" It was the same words my mother said to me when I was five. He nodded. I gently rested my hand on top of his, placing each of my fingers on his. I pressed down on the first note so his finger played it. "Raindrops....on roses...and whiskers on kittens...." as I sang the words, I pressed his fingers down on the corresponding key. I repeated the line a few times with the notes and I slowly pulled my hand away. He played the notes perfectly. It was simple but he played them. "Good! Now again." He plays the notes again. "Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens." I sang as he played each note. He looks over at me, our faces just inches away. "Perfect..." I said in a hushed tone. Our eyes met. "Well I have a good teacher." His voice was just as hushed as mine. The opening of the front door breaks us from each other. I quickly shut the cover of the piano, Dal's hands were on his lap so I didn't crush his fingers. I picked up the music book and got up, Dal took that as a signal to get up too. After lifting the seat cover, I put the book back. Soda and Steve waltzed into the living room. "Peggy! I'm home!" Soda called out. I walked out from behind Dallas and to the front door. "Hey!" I light up as I see both boys and Steve rushed to me, pulling me into a hug. "I would tackle you to the ground but I don't know if you can do much physical activity again." He chuckled and I pulled away. "What a shame." I chuckled as well. "Hey Dally." He looked past me and walked to Dallas, the two do the bro high five thingy. Soda walks to me. "How've you been?" He asked. "Good." I smiled. "I'm ready for school to be over with." School ended in a week. I would be a Junior in high school in a week. And then soon enough, I would turn 18.

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