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   When the day of the trail came, of course I was very anxious but I was able to calm myself down a little. I felt the anxiety in my stomach as I got ready. I put in a nice pare of pants and a button up shirt. Leaving the first two buttons undone. I tucked in the shirt to the pants before zipping the fly and buttoning the top. I brushed my hair in a neat ponytail. The front door opens and I don't think anything of it. Soon after there was a knock on my door. "Come in." I say. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Dallas walk inside. I turned my head from where I was looking at myself in the mirror. "Hey" I smiled. "Hey." He walks over to me. "You look pretty." His eyes darted me up and down in the mirror. "Thanks." I kept from blushing. "Just some of Soda's old clothes."  He looks over at me, not in the mirror. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Feeling anxious?" He added. I nodded and turned to face him. "I always am at least a little but it's not bad." Dallas smiled. "Good. Would you...like me to come?" He asked. I shook my head. "No thanks. I think we'll be fine. Only a few families are going." I explained. He nodded and looked down at his hands. I watched as he slips off his skull ring. Holding it out for me to take. He's only given it to Sylvia when they started going steady. "Here, if you get nervous you can look at it and play with it" he said. "Really? You've only given it to..." I stop talking before I slowly take it from him. "Thank you Dally." I looked back up at him, our eyes meeting. "It means a lot." I smiled. "You're welcome doll." We just looked at each other for a few moments, before Darry walks through the door. We both turn to him. He had his tie draped around his neck under his collar. "Are you coming to the trial Dally?" He asked, there was some sternness to his voice. Maybe also annoyance. Like he didn't want Dallas in my room or in the house. "No, I just came to wish you guys good luck." He said, hearing the tone is my brothers voice. "I'll see you guys later." He glanced at me before he leaves. I slipped the skull ring in my pocket as Darry watched Dallas leave. He turns back to me. "What was that all about?" I asked walking to him, I knew he needed my help to tie his tie. "I should ask you the same thing." He said. I reached up and began to tie his tie. "I asked you first, you acted like he was a roach." I chuckled, glancing up at him every so often. "I just don't know if I want you around him...." I stopped and looked up at Darry. "What?" I asked, a little surprised. "With what happened recently and his time in the cooler maybe it's best if you don't hang out with him too much." I raise my eyebrows at him. "Darry that's like saying you don't want me hanging out with the rest of the gang. We all aren't exactly good kids." I protested as I continued to tie. Finishing it up and straightening the tie. I buttoned just top button and flipped down the collar. "I know you have feelings for him. I just don't think you two should be together. I don't want anything to happen to you, much less him hurt you." He said sincerely. "I know Darry. Let's get going."

   The hearing seemed to last hours. Longer then it actually did. Soda, Darry and I all sat and watched as each person testify. Telling the story of what happened that night. Pony glanced at us every so often and we would try out best to smile at him. I slipped Dally's ring in my left middle finger. It fit better on it and I would look at it, play with it when I got nervous. Thankfully Cherry and Randy both testified that the socs were drunk, they looked for a fight. Pony and Johnny testified for self defense. They both did good. Told the whole story as smooth as possible since any inflection of the voice or any fidget would signify any lie. But they told the truth. Both of them. And after everyone testified, all we had to do was wait for the verdict. That's when more of my anxiety acted up. My leg bounced, I picked at my cuticles and chewed on my lip. No amount of comforting smiles and pats on my leg from Darry could calm me down. And the silence felt like it lasted for an eternity. Then the judge finally spoke up. "Defendants are not guilty. At this time I will place Ponyboy Curtis in the custody of his older brother, Darrel. This court is adjourned." To say I was happy was an understatement. The three of us stood and pulled our baby brother into a hug. Our family would be staying together. We were all so relieved.

  The happiness that was in the truck on the way home was something none of us felt in the months since mom and dad died. We were laughing and smiling so much, it felt like old times. The relief I felt that our family was staying together was overwhelming. The weight of the world felt to be taken off my shoulders. At least little by little. The state would of course send someone to check up on us but that was the least of our worries. As long as we all stayed out of jail, Darry and Soda worked and me and Pony stayed in school for our last few years we would be fine. So I felt pretty optimistic about our family staying together until we all were ready to move out on our own.
When we arrived home, we all rushed inside. Still with smiles and laughter. Since I wasn't about to spend the rest of the day in dress clothes, I head to my room to change. Opening the door, I see Dallas on my bed, reading one of my comics. He startled me, causing me to jump. "Dally?" I asked in a hushed tone. From what Darry said earlier, I didn't want him to know Dal was there in case he got angry. "Oh hey Doll." He looked up from the comic and sets it aside, sitting up. "What are you doing here?" I asked, walking over to the bed. "I wanted to know how the trial went." He stood up. "Pony and Johnny were declared not guilty! No one is separating our family dally!" I pulled him into a tight hug and he hugs me back. "That's amazing Peggy..." he said in my ear. "You had nothing to worry about." I smiled softly and rested my head on his shoulder. "I know that now." He slowly pulls away from me. "Alright I'm gonna change." I expected him to leave but he just flops down on the bed. I chuckled. "Get out." He smirked and gets up, heading to my window and climbing out.

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