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"Hey Soda, here come the hobos." Steve warned as he sees the four of us coming across the street. I rolled my eyes and ran to meet Steve. Jumping in his back and wrapping my arm around his neck as my other hand messed up his hair. "Peggy!" He shoved me off of him as I laughed. I hear Soda laughing. "Hey Sodapop." Pony said. He gave Soda a look, asking for something. "I don't have any cash." Soda replied. I leaned against the car that was parked outside the DX. "Anyone wanna by a windshield wiper?" Dallas pokes my cheek with the wiper and I swat it away. "Dallas!" Steve snatched it away and I looked over at Steve. "Steve, do you have any cash?" I asked. He shakes his head. "I need it for the double date tonight." He said. I stuck out my lower lip and gave Steve puppy eyes. I hear both my brothers laugh. I use the pouty face on everyone in the gang. Except Johnny. I rarely ask him for things and even when I do he says yes cause he's Johnny. I see Steve's face soften as he looks at me, he sighs softly before pulling out his wallet. He handed me a few dollars for snacks. I drop my pout and smile. "Thanks Steve!" I giggle and take the few bucks. Dallas reached over quickly and tried to grab the money but I quickly pull it away and shove it in my pocket. "Peggy." Soda's voice gets my attention, I looked over at him and he gestured to me. I walked over to him and Pony. "Don't stay out too late ok? You know Darry will go crazy if you two stay out late." Soda said. I nodded "I know Soda. I'll make sure we'll get back early." I smiled. "Pony, Peggy let's go!" Dallas called out. "Coming!" Me and Pony rushed to him.
The sun started to set and as we walked, I couldn't help but admire it. It was a beautiful one tonight. Orange sky while the sun went down over the horizon. We took a back way to the drive in. So we could sneak under the fence. Dallas chased off some kids on our way which was entertaining. We make it to the drive in not too long after. There was a part in the fence that we all could easily fit under. Dal went first, then Pony, then Johnny and finally me. Going under head first and on my back. Grabbing the fence to pull myself out and up. Dally held out his hand for me. I gladly take it and he pulls me to my feet. Brushing off myself as we walked, I followed the group to find a place to sit. We past down Socs. Pony stayed closed to me like he always does around the socials. He knew I could take them on myself, but there are safety in numbers. We find a place to sit down and I sit between Dally and Pony. With Johnny on the other side of Pony. Dallas takes out a cigarette and hands one to me as well. Two girls sit in front of us and I see the change in Dal's face. Oh great. I know that look. Here comes the flirting from Dally. "You sure we wanna do this?" The brunette asked. "I came here to see a movie and I'm gonna see a movie." The read head replied. Pony turns to me and Dallas. "I'm freezin man." Pony said, his arms tensing as he shivers. "Why didn't you bring a coat stupid?" Dal asked with the cigarette in his mouth as he was lighting a match. He holds the match to my cigarette and it lights while it's in between my lips. I took a few puffs before I slipped off my leather jacket. "Here Pony." I handed him my jacket. He gladly takes it and slips it on. We were the same relatively the size so it fit him well. It was a men's jacket. "Won't you get cold Peggy?" Johnny asked. I shake my head. "I don't get cold easily." I smiled reassuringly. "Some cute red head huh?" Dallas glanced at Pony. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. "I'm getting popcorn." I get up and storm off. Maybe I wouldn't seem too mad. Who am I kidding? I definitely looked mad. I held the cigarette between two fingers as I walked, taking puffs of it every so often. I get in line to get food. Grabbing a candy bar, popcorn and a coke. Steve gave me just enough for it. I could have snuck in food if I remembered to grab some from home. But I forgot. I quickly paid for my snacks before heading back to my spot. Someone walks with me. A male, a greaser too. I could tell. "Sorry but I recognize you from somewhere." He said stopping. I stop as well. "Hm?" I asked tilting my head. "I know you from somewhere I know it." I had to admit, he was rather attractive. With blonde scruffy hair and light facial hair to match. With enchanting blue eyes. "Well I'm a Curtis." I said. "That's how I know you. I'm apart of Shepard's gang." He said. He held out his hand. "Jake Morris." He said. "Margret Curtis. Peggy for short." I shook his hand after I moved my popcorn to the crook of my arm. "Nice to meet you Peggy." He smiled. "Nice to meet you too Jake." I returned the smile. "You here with anyone or are you-" Jake gets interrupted by Johnny walking up to us. "Hey Peggy are you coming back-" he stopped talking when he noticed Jake and his shyer side came out. I turned to him. "Oh Johnny this is Jake. He's in Shepard's gang." I said. "Nice to meet you Johnny." Jake said. "Nice to meet you too..." Johnny said softly. He turns to me again. "I'll meet you back at the seats Peggy." He rushed off with the coke in his hand. I turned back to Jake. "He your boyfriend?" Jake asked. I shake my head. "No he's just one of the gang. I'm here with him, my brother and another guy from the gang." I explained. "Well then I won't keep you from them." Jake said. "Oh it's no worries, I'm sure they have other things on their minds right now." I said referring to the two socs girls in front of them. The commotion coming from the seating area made me look over and Jake too. Dal was all over the red head and I roll my eyes. I hear Jake chuckled. "He yours too?" He asked looking over at me. I looked at him and nodded. "Every gang has one...." I mumbled looking back at Dal to see him looking at us. He wipes something off his face before he gets up. I turned to Jake. "I should go and make sure they aren't causing too much trouble." I chuckled. "Yeah that's probably a good idea." I go to walk back to the seats when Dal seemed to appear out of thin air next to me. His arm wraps around my shoulders. "Hey there Peggy. Who's the blondie?" He asked looking at Jake. "Dallas this is Jake. He's in Tim Shepard's gang." My voice was monotone and annoyed. "Come on Pegg, let's get out of here." He pulls me away from Jake. I shove Jake my coke and popcorn as Dallas drags me away.

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