Ning Yuzhou looked at it and told Qian Lin a few words before letting him arrange Qian Lin Guard to prepare.

Everyone stood in front of the valley, and several submarine scale guards sneaked into the valley quietly, standing at the tuyere in the valley, opened a few jade bottles, poured out the powdery things inside, and then let the submarine scale guards of the wind system set off. A gust of wind blew into the valley.

A slightly sweet scent was engulfed by the wind and blown towards the valley.

Soon after, the moon bees gathering honey in the valley can be seen flying crookedly, like a drunk person, and soon those moon bees fall from mid-air to the ground.

After all the moon bees in the valley were brought down, the Submarine Guard went in to collect the honey.

Ning Yuzhou took Wen Qiao into the valley together and asked her to dig the moon bee flower.

Obviously during this period, he has understood that his little wife loves spirit grass deeply and likes to grow spirit grass, regardless of whether it is high-level or low-level, they are treated equally, simple and idiotic.

Wen Qiao didn't expect it to be so easy. Compared with the few people who were chased into dogs by the moon bee just now, they could not help but ask: "What was the powder just now?"

"A kind of elixir for monsters." Ning Yuzhou said with a smile, "As long as you inhale some, it will be as if someone is drunk, and it will recover after half an hour. Of course, this can only be aimed at low-level monsters. A higher level will weaken the effect a lot."

Wen Qiao said, Xindao Qianlinwei is really well prepared, even this kind of thing is available, it's very convenient.

Then, she also began to dig the moon bee flower.

She likes to dig spiritual grass and go back to plant it.

Although Moon Bee Flower is only a second-order spiritual grass, it multiplies quickly, is beautiful and has honey to eat. Of course, you need to dig a few more.

The speed of the Qianlong Guard was very fast. In less than a quarter of an hour, he took away the honey from the hive and filled dozens of bottles. It was discovered that there was a shallow layer of queen bee honey in the hive, and the Qianlong guard carefully installed it. Which happened to be a bottle and presented it to Ning Yuzhou.

Queen honey is more mellow than ordinary bees, thick and transparent liquid, like golden yellow glass beads, rolling slowly, it is a rare delicacy and detoxification.

Ning Yuzhou looked at it and handed it to Wen Qiao.

"Give it to me?" Wen Qiao was a little stunned.

Ning Yuzhou said, "The quality of this queen bee honey is good. Drinking queen bee honey can prevent the outbreak of fire poison."

After Wen Qiao listened, she didn't refuse any more, and she received it very calmly.

During this period, she has become accustomed to stuffing her with her husband, which is of inestimable value. If it is for other people, I am afraid that it will be frightening to receive.

She can't pay him back now, but it doesn't matter, as long as she can survive in the future, she will have the chance to pay it back sooner or later.

"What should I do if my husband is the future Demon King?" 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें