Raising Hell Part 4

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We had finally reached where the tracking rune had taken us and I watched as the shadowhunters walked in with weapons raised and I slowly took out the sword that Jace had given me. 

"Magnus' lair is right behind that fence." Jace says and I look at the dark building that only lit up slightly due to the glowing swords

"Magnus lives in a warehouse?" I ask looking around 

"Not exactly. Warlock glamour." Jace says as if that explains everything and I nod 

"Something's wrong. It's far too easy to get this close." Izzy says and when I look over her brows were etched with worry 

"His protective wards must be down." Jace says 

"You... Don't get in the way." Alec grumbles as he passes Clary, and I watch the dirty looks she throws his way but it was soon interrupted when I looked up and saw two men struggling on an elevated level. One of them pierces their sword through the other one and he comes crashing to the ground 

"Oh, God! Valentine found Magnus!" Clary cries and I feel my body move towards that fallen man but thats when I see a little girl run up to the body 

"Daddy! Daddy? Daddy, get up, please!" she cries and I watch as another man comes from no where behind the girl he holds up his sword as if he were about to slice through her

"Watch out!" I cry rushing out of my spot, I jump onto of the man and we struggle for a bit before I kick him back and the little girl quickly runs behind me I place a hand on her as we start edging back 

"Reign Fae. Valentine will be so pleased to meet you he was told you were dead" the man states as he looks over my face and as he's about to swing at me I watch as his arm gets caught in Izzy's whip. When he goes to fight Izzy a knife is thrown into his back. It was Jace and I sigh up in relief as I see him push his hair back with one hand 

"Thanks for that." I whisper looking up at Jace and he winks at me with a smirk 

"Anytime." he states before he walks away 

"Stick close. It's safest if we stay together." Izzy says as she moves closer towards me and I feel the girl cling to me by the waist I spin to look down at her 

"It's okay. I won't leave you alone, I promise." I whisper as we follow Izzy down the hallway. 

"Magnus." I whisper as we walk into a room where Jace, Alec, Clary and Magnus sit and I look around to see another person who I was guessing was a warlock talking. When he spots the girl he jumps up and she lets go of my hand to rush over to him and they embrace in a hug before he pulls away 

"Go join the others, my dear. This is no place for a little girl. Go." he whispers and when she runs away sending me a wave. I smile before she finally leaves the room. Magnus looks up at me

"I heard what you did for Zoe. You risked your life without hesitation to save a young warlock child." he says as he moves closer to me and I shake my head 

"She was just a girl and she was in trouble. I had no choice." I state and he looks up at me as if he couldn't quite believe what I had said 

"You always have a choice. You're not like the others, Reign Fae. Most Shadowhunters protect Downworlders out of sense of duty, but you saved young Zoe because of what was inside your heart. You're more like your mother than you'll ever know." he says and I shake my head 

"Magnus I don't even remember my real mom" I whisper and he sighs 

"That's right, you just don't remember her" he says looking down at the ground 

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