The Mortal cup Part 1

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"Where are you guys" I cry over the blasting noise of music blazing around me. I was pressed against sweaty bodies as I moved through the mosh pit that seemed to have filled up from when I first got here 

"Reign I told you we're in front of the club" Simon cries and I let out a breath of annoyance 

"Simon, I'm already in the club" I growl and his howls of laughter follow as I roll my eyes before hanging up as quickly as possible. I push past all the bodies until the cold air brushes my face and I look up to see my nerdy friend with glasses and the fiery red head who seemed to be talking to an imaginary person in front of her. I smirked before I sprinted up to her breaking whatever chat she was having with the imaginary person as I jumped into her arms, she cried out with surprise and I laughed hard 

"You're home" she cries and I smirk 

"Happy 18th birthday Clary" I cry pulling her even tighter into me but I felt her back stiffen 

"No you can't get her name" she whispers and I pulled away confused 

"Clary who the fuck are you talking to" I laugh but as I look up at her the only thing that's etched on her face was anger 

"This guy walked into me and now he's being all annoying" she hisses and I tilt my head confused before looking at where she was pointing. 

"Clary there's no one there...did you already get high without me?" I cry with mock horror she looks over at me like I've lost my mind 

"You don't see him?" she asks and I burst out laughing again 

"Of course I see him" I cry jokingly going to push the air she was looking at but I jump back as my hands press against what feels like an arm and for a split second a beautiful blonde man appears. He was gorgeous and had tats covering him from head to toe, he was dressed in black leather and he looked over at me amused. But in the next second he disappeared. I knew I had too much to drink waiting for them. 

"If it isn't little Blaze" Simon cried rushing up to me and swinging me in his arms and If I wasn't so distracted I probably would've had some smart ass comment to reply with. 

"Don't call me that" I end up responding with a smirk. I mean surely I was just imagining things there was no way that I just saw the most perfect looking dude and that he disappeared ten seconds later as if he was a whole ass magic trick 

"Blaze?" I hear a husky amused voice ask and I look around confused 

"A nickname" Clary responds and I realise she's talking to the air again "One time she..." 

"Jace" I hear another voice cry from the darkness and I suddenly feel the air around us get lighter I look over at Clary who's looking in the direction of the club 

"Can you guys believe that blonde dude?" she asked as she walked up to us and I look over at her with a tilted head 

"You mean the imaginary dude you were talking to?" Simon asks 

"No, the guy right there, running into the club." Clary says desperately pointing to the direction of the nightclub 

"Clary, there's nobody there." Maureen states speaking for the first time I've been there 

"The guy covered in tats, like—" Clary says as she looks over at me as If I was going to back her up. To be honest I was just confused as hell and my mind wasn't thinking straight from the alcohol 

"What guy are you talking about?" Simon asks concerned etched over his face as he looked at his best friend up and down. 

"You guys seriously don't see him?" Clary asks and I look over into the direction she was looking 

"No." I state crossing my arms and she shakes her head laughing 

"Okay, could you stop making me feel insane?" she asks and I smirk 

"Could you stop acting that way?" I ask and she looks over to glare at me "Oh cheer up Clary, I came all the way home just to wish you a happy birthday" I cry wrapping my arm around her shoulder 

"What are you doing back? I mean I thought you still had a few months to graduate in Australia" Clary says and I shrug my shoulders 

"I had enough credits to graduate early and It just so happened it was around the same time I got a phone call from Simon over here who begged me to come for your 18th" I say and she smiles before pulling me into a hug 

"I am glad you're here Rei" she says and I smile 

"Honestly glad to be back" I state but before I can continue her eyes snap back to the club and she unzips her jacket 

"Where are you going?" Simon asks and I sigh before moving to follow her 

"To get some answers." she cries 

"Remember, your fake ID sucks." Simon says from behind us as Clary and I move into the line. 

"Hey Clary, the Australians had a word for you, ya know?" I say and she sighs 

"What was that?" she asks clearly annoyed and I smirk 

"Ranga" I state and she tilts her head 

"What the hell does that mean?" she asks and I laugh 

"From the context I've heard it in...I'm pretty sure its an insult" I smirk as we finally enter Pandemonium the music once again surrounded me and I smiled up as I watched the lights, but when I looked back in front of me Clarys fiery hair had already disappeared but as I looked to my left I spotted Simon and Maureen leaning against the bar 

"Am I interrupting ladies?" I asked as I stole Simons drink and took a sip 

"You could never" he stated wrapping his arm around me and I sigh "So what was Australian boarding school like?" he asks and I smirk 

"Surprisingly not bad, I learnt how to surf and to not live in a place where the air literally smells like piss...God I've missed the smell of New York City piss" I say sarcastically and he burst out laughing  

"Reign?" I hear a voice say from behind and I turn around to see a familiar blue eyed boy 

"Kian" I cry wrapping my arms around my best friend. He was beautiful when we were younger but as I looked at him now he had become all man and was even more stunning then before 

"What are you doing here Rei?" he asked his eyes flying around my face as if he was worried 

"It's Clarys birthday Simon invited me, what about you? It's been ages" I said with a smile but he quickly spun to stare at someone. Mind you it wasn't someone I could see. "Ki you okay?" I asked regaining his attention and a smile slipped onto his face 

"Yeah, yea I'm fine I mean I'm just in shock I thought you were in Australia" he says pulling me back into a hug

"Yeah, I mean I think I should be trying out for colleges here but you never know" I say and he smirks 

"Yeah well we need to catch up more than" he says with a flirtatious smile crossing his face and my mouth opened to respond but the fiery hair caught my eyes and I saw Clary sprinting towards the exit of the club 

"Give me a second" I whisper before running off after Clary. When I finally ran out again I could feel the cold New York wind messing up my hair and I sighed looked for Clary. But I quickly saw her red hair entering a cab. 

"What the fuck" I hissed under my breath as the cab drove away. Damn I really came all this way just to barley see the girl I was meant to be here for. As I spun back towards the club I jumped back seeing the same golden haired boy with tattoos that I had seen for a split second 

"You okay?" he asked with a smirk on his face and I opened my mouth but no words came out 

"I'm all good" I finally breathe out and I watch as his face morph into confusion 

"Rei" I hear Kians voice call from the distance and I watch as he watches the blonde haired man with disgust and I quickly slip away before running towards Kian

"You okay?" Kian asks mimicking the question the blonde man had just asked before 

"Yeah, Clary just took off" I sigh 

"You want me to drive you home?" he asks 

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