4 am

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4am. That special time right before the dark of night turns to day. The skies a still, clear shade of navy blue with only the moon in its canvas. And like every morning, I was in my favorite place. Down the path from my home which resided by the Ocean. There was a perfect view only your eyes could capture just right. A rock so big when I was younger I believed it to be a mountain, rests against the sand, and I now rest against it. Listening to the sounds of the waves. One of nature's calming tunes, I watched as they danced against the sand and with each other. And for a moment, my mind would dance too. In harmony as if there wasn't any clutter and only the simple to and fro of the water. I would sit here at peace, outside of myself and my life. 5am. Finally would come my alarm clock. One without a snooze. My perfect canvas would get a new color to its palette. And with it the moon would fade, handing the brush off to the sun. The navy blue would slowly be painted a brighter hue. As if turning on a night light to find its way in the sky. And like any true morning person, the sun liked to have quite a bit of fun. Before getting to its proper tones there were some colors it loved to test. Pink and purple being it's favorite at times. For but a moment you could see them streaking across the sky. The orange glow against them as the Sun rose. A true sight to wake you. How amazing it would be if they stayed. And with their descent into blue I begin my own, my footsteps trailing along the warm sand. Leaving in silent agreement that we'll meet back here again. At 4am.

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