It was a small funeral, everybody now really believed that Eijun was dead and he's not coming back and that this would be the last time seeing his lifeless body.

The face that use to have a smile and a personality that use to uplift and give people confidence. No more are they going to see the person who always kept the team together even if he himself was down.

The funeral ended on a pleasant note and they went back to Seido in the evening.

Kuramochi entered the dorm going on the top bunk where Sawamura use to sleep. They still didnt tidy up his thing yet cause they wanted to keep it how it was. He layed his head on the pillow staring up to the ceiling but felt a sharp end poking him at the side of his neck that was in the pillow.

He took the paper out of the pillow case and it was somewhat readable. Kuramochi quickly realised that it was Sawamura's hand writing and chuckle at how untidy it was, remembering when Sawamura showed him what Coach wrote in his book about him needing to fix his handwriting.

{well more like a to do list but whatever.}

[ ] have fun after we win the finals in the tournament {we are gonna win. I know that for a fact! and plus I already planned for us to go out hehe~}

[ ] give the christmas presents to the team on Christmas! {Including the previous third years when I was a first year and Boss, and Rei-chan! hehe, and just so I dont forget, they are behind my desk😌}

if anybody found this note and is wondering where I got the money to buy the presents from, I GOT IT FROM MY MOM OKAY!😭

[ ] improve my numbers and control for future games, BY MYSELF! {because that TANUKI BASTARD says I should rest 😩 and wolf boy doesn't want to catch for me 🙄}

[ ] study :(

[ ] BE THE ACE! '

Kuramochi was shocked when he read 'presents' because Sawamura usually told him and Asada when he was going somewhere and it was weird that he didnt know that he bought and hid something behind his desk.

He thought he knew the dorm, afterall he has been there the longest.

The only thing he knew about was the first one when he wrote that he wanted to ask everybody if we can go out after the tournament and nobody knew that that was going to be one of the worst day of theur life.

He shook his head trying not to drown himself in a pool of sadness and started to pull apart Sawamura's desk. He couldnt find anything behind the books so he went and move the whole desk from the wall.

"What are you doing?" Asada asked curiously seeing Kuramochi moving Sawamura's desk.

"Looking for something." He answered back giving him the paper to read.

When he moved the desk he saw two boxes and he took them out.

"Asada help me carry these and the note to Coach's office." Kuramochi said, Asada nodded and went out with him.

Even though Asada was struggling to carry the heavy box he made it somehow. He put down the box and knock on the door and when Coach eventually came out he raised his eyebrows but let them in.

Kuramochi told him about the note and the boxes that he found behind Sawamura desk. Coach Kataoka and the two boys decided not to tell the rest of the team.

They opened up the box then closed it back when the saw the presents and agreed that they're going to give out the presents on christmas since Eijun wrote that it was Christmas presents.


"Wait-" I said lowly suddenly waking up from my sleep feeling the cold sweat on my body.

I looked around seeing Kuramochi and Masuko sleeping soundly. I looked at the time and saw that it was 3:25 am.

"and here I thought I was gonna get a good sleep tonight." I sighed.

I shivered feeling the cold breeze through the window. I could still remember that dream accurately.

It was about when I died and how everybody was after my death, overworking and injuring themselves. I felt a tear roll down my face and I wiped it shaking my head looking towards the window.

"Was it God showing me what happened after my death or was it nothing else but just a dream?"

- 🂡 🂱 🃁 🃑 -
I was contemplating on whether I should keep this or not because it's a filler and it don't really affect the story. and plus it's kinda sad.🥲
[1429 words]

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