Chapter 43: A New Mission

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"Hey, Martin!" Chris grabbed his brother's shoulder and shook him awake. "Safi'jiiva sent a message saying that he has something really important to tell us!"

"Zavi... gee-va... wha?"

Aviva sighed and raised her voice a little. "Safi'jiiva says he has something really important to tell us! It has to do with the dragons!"

With that, Martin was instantly awake, jumping out of his hammock... and falling flat on his face.


Eventually, the crew managed to get their act together and flew the Tortuga to Dead Man's Ravine, where Safi'jiiva was waiting.

Once they got to the ravine fortress, Safi'jiiva was waiting upon its highest point. Jimmy landed the ship on a nearby ledge and they all went out to see the dragon.

When they got onto the roof, Chris noticed that Safi'jiiva's usually melancholy demeanor had changed to a more hopeful one. He was holding something in his talons.

"Greeting, Wild Kratts. I have called you to deliver a message from Guanzorumu himself," said the red dragon. He handed Aviva a scroll that was held shut with a red wax seal. Aviva carefully broke the seal and opened the scroll. She began to read it out loud.

Dear Wild Kratts,

I, as well as the rest of our government, has begun to slowly enter the stage of world politics. As we begin this new era in time, I would like you to perhaps act as our human representatives, to mediate between monsters and mankind. We are sailing on uncharted waters, and we need all the help we can get.

Yours Truly, Guanzorumu

"Yes! Of course we'll help!" Martin exclaimed.

"You can count on us!" Jimmy said.

"If it can bring world peace, then let's do it!" Chris pumped a fist into the air.

Safi'jiiva laughed. "Now, now, calm down a little. I get that you're excited, but I have something else for you."

He gave each of them a signet ring. "These rings will mark you as a representative of ours. You must wear them whenever you are called to a foreign policy meeting. Understood?"

They all nodded. "Understood."

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