Chapter 39: The Greatest and the First

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The clouds turned blue and black and swirled around the darkened sun, as if the atmosphere was being sucked into a vortex. Red lightning shot forth from the unearthly eclipse, thunder roaring like a herald of doom.

A spectacular flash of white light streaked through the sky like a comet. It swooped down to earth, shining with all the glory of a star. Doragyurosu fell upon his face as it descended to the ground.

Fatalis extended himself to his full height, towering over the robotic titans, his great wings outstretched, making him almost look like a collection of white and red stars. His throat and chest glowed with the same crimson as his crystalline eyes, crackling with electricity. The fury written all over his face was terrible to behold. When he spoke, the planet itself seemed to tremble in fear.

"Cease your pointless war upon this earth, and you will be spared."

Aviva winced as Zach's whiny, nasally voice boomed across the plain from the speakers in the largest titan. "And what are you going to do, flap your little wings and blow me away? Who do you think you are?"

The ancient dragon's eye twitched at the insult. "I am Fatalis, first among monsters, destroyer of Schrade, devourer of the sun, and slayer of the Equal Dragon Weapon. I am immortal, unchanging, unyielding, and unending. I was the one who ended the Black Dread. I have destroyed the greatest civilization this world has and will ever see to protect this world."

Chris could've sworn he saw Dabio flinch.

"Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, millennia, all are meaningless to me. I measure time in eons. I have leveled mountains with but a flick of my tail. I have flown to the edge of the sky and stared straight into the golden eye of the sun. The celestial bodies I can manipulate with my very will. That eclipse," the great dragon gestured to the circular void in the sky, "is my doing."

There was no denying the fear on the villains' faces, realizing what they were truly facing.

"Though I will admit that the suits hold great power if harnessed properly, they are still but a shadow of a shadow. They possess nought but a fraction of a dragon's true and full might. You are but dust in the wind to the dragons, less than the faintest whisper of a shadow, yet you force yourselves on our notice. The Wild Kratts, as well as us dragons, have been merciful to you, yet you spit in our faces every. Single. Time."

Somehow Zach worked up the courage to speak. "You still won't defeat us! We! Will! WIN! Once and for all!"

Fatalis flared out his wings, the sky above suddenly churning like the raging sea and crackling with a bright red glow, his eyes, chest, and throat shining brighter than ever. "Very well then! If that is what you wish, then so be it! Behold my wrath, and tremble before it!"

With that, the dragon's entire body surged with Dragon and lightning, dyed crimson with pure draconic power, burst forth from the front of his body. Almost all the colossi were destroyed, only the ones in the very back surviving the vicious onslaught. The colossus containing the villains immediately made a run for it, while the rest charged the dragon. More crimson lightning fell from the sky, destroying all of them and Fatalis took to the sky and flew after the final fleeing titan.

When he caught it the robotic beast struggled, biting, clawing, punching, kicking, fighting to get away, but all efforts were in vain. The colossi were mighty and would crush any normal monster in a battle, but in the end, they were little match for the living, breathing forces of nature that were the immortal elder dragons.

The tempered steel blades, created specifically for the purpose of killing monsters, crumpled like paper against the shining white scales and the massive robot's limbs were promptly torn off by the honed obsidian claws arming the talons of Fatalis. The core of the robot was torn out, stilling the metal colossus for good.

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