Chapter 37: Contemplations of a Dragon

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Cirrus's testimony proved helpful in locating the businessmen. Spies had been sent to keep tabs on them and make sure that they didn't leave their current location.

Fatalis stood at the top of the Silver Palace's remains, looking in the direction of the criminals' aircraft. Dragon element pulsed in his veins and lightning burned in the back of his throat, power itching to be unleashed on some unlucky foe.

Those disgusting criminals, spawn of the Black Dread. They dare to take our children and call us nought but uncivilized beasts, when they themselves ravage the land like a plague of mindless locusts under the sway of the Black Blight.

 He flew up into the sky, hoping to conceal his shining scales within the dark clouds. The endless eclipse swirled ominously above, a reminder to all of what would happen should the balance of earth be disregarded once again. He especially hated the paver lady, as her policy of paving over any and all natural areas would only result in the extinction of all but the elder dragons and destroy the planet.

Such an entitled attitude he had only seen displayed in one other individual: Usotsuko, the last king of Schrade. He was a man of great pride, in no small part due to the fact that he was not only royalty, but was one of the very few Riders who were deemed worthy to become the partner of an elder dragon. He looked down upon fellow Riders who were paired up with "common monsters", as he put it. But it seemed like power was getting to his head, and being the Rider of an elder dragon was no longer enough for him. He wished to become king.

That, along with the suspicious timing of the death of the king and his heir, made Fatalis, as well as a few other dragons, suspect that Usotsuko had a hand in it. But other than that, there was no solid evidence for such an accusation, so he was given the crown. To top it all off, instead of allowing the designated king-maker, the most devout man or dragon, to crown him, they were never even invited to his coronation and the king-to-be placed the crown on his head himself, as if to say that he was higher than all of them, even the Sapphire Star.

Aviva had created more elder dragon disks. Disks of what dragons, he didn't know, but he was confident that they were more than enough to utterly destroy anything that the businessmen might throw at them. Once the dragons were through with them, they would learn to respect the long and mighty arm of justice and the crown that was Guanzorumu's horns.

The clouds around Fatalis crackled with red lightning, as if the sky itself was eager to comply with his demands and do battle with the twisted businessmen.

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